Portrait of George Borrow

Index of persons, places, themes and books in the George Borrow Bulletin, Second Series, nº 1 (2010) to current.

Locators are stated by bulletin number (in bold) followed by the page numbers for that bulletin. For example, a subject with locator 6.23, 24 relates to pages 23 and 24 of bulletin No. 6. Locators with the suffix ‘n.’ relate to information in the notes, those in italics relate to illustrations and photos.

Works, publications and translations produced by Borrow, and languages spoken by him can be found under the heading Borrow, George Henry.

Subjects with ‘?’ denote a query or that the information is a possibility or unknown.

@georgeborrowsoc  14.4-5


Abarbanel  11.61, 83–4, 64n.

Abdülmecid I, Sultan  10.4, 20

Abershaw, Jerry  2.66–8

Adamson, Dr. Ian  4.26–7, 33, 38n.

Afternoon with George Borrow – at Brompton Cemetery, An (2013)  7.2–5

Albania  14.51–53

ales, Borrow's appreciation of  5.48–9

Alliance of Literary Societies  9.2–4

 AGM (2016)  13.6–7


Borrow’s interest in visiting  7.40

Borrow’s work held in libraries and collections in  4.50–1, 52–3

Andalusia, Spain  6.88, 98

see also Seville, Spain

Anglesey, Isle of  12.3, 5–20

see also Beaumaris, Anglesey; Holyhead, Anglesey; Pentraeth, Anglesey

Borrow's travels in  13.69, 72, 73, 14.53–5

society visit to (2016)  13.50–6, 70–6

Antonio see Buchini, Antonio (manservant) 

Apollinaire, Guillaume

see also ‘Publications’ Index – Apollinaire, Guillaume

interest in Borrow  2.63–4, 12.40–2, 44–6

‘apps', mobile phone  11.47

aqueducts and viaducts  11.16–20

Aragon, Louis  5.19, 22–3, 24–6, 28, 36–7

friendship with Nancy Cunard  5.27–30

influence of Lavengro on  5.36

poems of  5.20–1, 23–4, 30–6

Arnold, Matthew  6.23

Ashkenazi Jews  11.62, 63

Astorga, Spain  9.46

Asturias, Spain

Borrow’s travels to  1.7, 9–10, 13–16, 10.10

descriptions of Spanish people in  1.10–12

meeting with ‘young man of Colunga'  8.40

tracing Borrow in  1.17–20

Attar, Hayim ben (manservant)  1.83, 6.93, 103, 107

audio books, Borrows’ works as  11.25–7, 13.49

Azaña, Manuel  1.8, 18–20, 1. 21n., 5.69–70

See also ‘Publications’ Index - Azaña, Manuel 


Badajoz, Spain  11.73–6, 81–2

Barbary Coast see Gibraltar; Morocco

Bards of Wales, The (poem)  1.94

Barrett Browning, Elizabeth  1.69, 8.39–42

Battle of Dereham or the Annual Norfolk Jigg, The  14.43–4

Beatrice of Naples, Queen of Hungary  1.98, 100

Beaumaris, Anglesey  13.66

Beaumaris Castle  12.6, 13.64

Beccles, Suffolk  12.54–5, 55

Beckett, Samuel  5.29

Beckford, William  8.29, 10.9–10, 18n., 12.34–7

Belfast, Ireland, Borrow's visit to (1866)  14.32

Berners, Isopel 'Belle'  1.29, 30–1, 32–5, 6.26–27, 8.48

Bible, The

see also Bible Society; New Testament

distribution of, in Spain  3.42, 7.15–16n.

themes of, in Lavengro  11.7–16

Bible Society

see also Brandram, Rev; Cunningham, Rev. Francis; Jayne, Arthur Garland

Borrow as agent for  1.7, 1.8–10, 5.54, 7.6, 12.3

organisation of visit to Spain  6.59, 88–89, 95–96, 97

in St. Petersburg  2.21

in Spain (1943)  7.59–60

Bibliotheca Corviniana, Hungary  1.99–101

‘bickers'  13.41

Bigland, Eileen  7.29-37

Birrell, Augustine  3.82

see also ‘Publications’ Index – Birrell, Augustine

Black Robin (Robin Ddu)  12.10–11

Bloch, Jules  5.31–2

Blood, Colonel  2.10, 15, 16, 20n., 67

Blue Mosque, Constantinople  10.4

bogs in Ireland, described by Borrow  6.4, 7

‘Bohèmes' (Exhibition), Paris  5.80

Bohèmes: de Léonard de Vinci à Picasso (exhibition) (review)  6.31–32

Bonaparte, Prince Louis-Lucien  4.51

Boner, Charles  3.24–5

Borrow, Ann, née Perfrement or Parfrement (mother)  4.2

early life of  8.73, 11.8, 14.40, 42


written to, from George  6.91

written by  5.54, 6.97

restoration of grave  2.3–4, 5

Borrow, Chislam (character by Apollinaire)  2.64

Borrow, family ancestry  2.79, 79, 5.5–19


ancestry of  5.5–19, 11.8

artistic impressions of   4.5–6, 8.55, 11.47

Henry Wyndham Phillip's portrait  2.76–7

birth  8.72

criticism of  1.17–18, 13.12, 13

death and burial  3.4, 4, 7. 4–5, 12.82–3, 14.34

description of genre  1.45

descriptions of appearance and character  1.88n, 3.55, 78, 83, 6.40, 8.78–9

by Anne Taylor (cousin)  9.51

by Caroline Fox  9.11

by David Jones  3.70

by Elizabeth Barrett  1.69

by Rev. J. Wilcock  5.80–1

by J. Frank Bradley  4.73

by Dr. John Bately  2.106–7

by Marquis de Santa Coloma  7.12

by Theodore Watts-Dunton  3.67

by Dr. Thomas Hake  7.78

by William MacKay  10.74, 11.20–3

drinking habits  5.48–51

eccentric nature  1.17–18

early life  2.7, 12.3

in Ireland  10.25

relationship with father  9.66–7, 69, 10.15, 11.8–9, 12–13

schooling  4.16, 8.61

engagement, to Mary Clarke  6.97

friendships of  13.37–8

see also Brightwell, Cecilia 'Lucy'; Watts-Dunton, Theodore 

handwriting  3.88, 8.45

health  1.13, 80–4, 10.12, 18–19n.

hypochondria?  14.34

mental (described in Lavengro)  1.26–8, 30, 32, 35

OCD?  7.67

imprisonment  3.36–9, 6.97, 7.8

influence on other writers  2.61–2, 5.19–20, 10.23–5

Arno Schmidt  13.26–27, 30–33


correspondence with Ann (mother)  5.54, 6.91

correspondence with Don Luis de Usoz  7.65–6

to Bible Society  2.27

see also Brandram, Rev., Borrow’s letters to

to Bowring, John  11.86n.

to Rev. Cunningham  2.24

to John Hasfield  11.72–3

to John Murray  14.47–9

to Mary (wife)  1.79–80, 84, 2.70, 10.4

linguistic skills of  4.38–44, 12.3

Arabic  6.65, 106–08, 112–15, 11.41–2, 14.15n.

Armenian  6.26

Asturian  1.12–13,

Chinese (Manchu)  2.21–31, 8.74

Danish  4.39–40

Gaelic  3.53–4

German  12.20–8

Hebrew  5.64–5, 6.110–112

in The Bible in Spain  6.105–06, 109–12

Hungarian  1.90, 93, 110, 9.35–6

Latin  12.14

Manchu  2.21–31, 8.74

Moors  6.107, 112–115

Moroccan Arabic  11.41–2

Romani  1.26, 49, 90, 110, 9.71, 75

Borrow's errors in  10.68–9

critical books and essays on  14.62

Russian  4.41

Spanish  1.12–13, 9.75

Suz  6.57n

Turkish  4.67–8, 14.15n.

Welsh  1.94, 3.88, 4.39, 40–1, 10.70–1, 11.25, 13.70, 83–91

in The Sleeping bard  10.29, 32–4

Yiddish  6.109

marriage, to Mary Clarke  6.98

political views of  3.32, 8.66–7

religious views of  1.37–9, 6.69–70, 11.33–4, 57–6

residences  8.72–3, 10.14

see also Dee Cottage, Llangollen

in London 5.59, 7.45, 46

in Norwich  3.77–8, 80, 9.12, 13

in Oulton  2.6, 14.34

in Spain  2.82–3, 3.39–40, 4.7–8, 8, 7.11

'veiled period'  2.84n., 3.78


Bible in Spain, The

admiration of, by contemporaries  9.10–11

amendments made to, by Borrow  14.49

characters within  7.57, 8.39–40, 11.61, 83–4, 64n., 12.29, 33

see also Judah Lib

descriptions of Spanish people in  1.10–12

editions of  4.69, 6.40, 11.45–6, 48, 12.71–2

Murray's Colonial & Home Library  14.46–51

see also Bible en Espagne..., La, translated by Fréchet

French review of  6.33–34

Jews depicted in  11.57, 58, 62–3, 63n.

languages and dialects in  6.100–122

publication of  6.75

reference to, in other published works  3.41

references to Asturias in  1.7, 10, 12, 14–16, 18

references to Gibraltar in  5.63, 6.43–44, 47–50, 78–86, 94

references to Tangier in  6.52, 56, 58

themes within  10.8–11, 11.66–70

Brown William (poem)  4.61

Celtic Bards, Chiefs and Kings  12.5, 14–15, 17–18

‘Danish Poetry and Ballad Writing' (essay)  12.22–3

Elegy on Barbara (poem)  4.61

‘England's Glorious Liturgy'  12.70, 70

English Gypsy Language: Word Book of the Romany  9.45, 45

Erl-King (Der Erlkönig) (translation)  12.20–8, 28

Expedition to Birting's Land, The (poem)  4.61

Fall of Zolnok, The (poem)  4.62

Fridleif and Helga (Romantic Ballads)  1.42, 42–3

Gweledigaetheu y bardd cwsc, (Visions of the Sleeping Bard), Wynne  13.78, 82–91, 94

Gypsy Gospel (translation of)  3.38–9

Gypsy Luke, The  6.90

‘Ingeborg's Lamentation' (translation)  8.50, 51–2

Lavengro: The Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest (1851)  3.57

account of Joseph Sell in  2.8, 10, 15

Biblical themes in

castles mentioned in  6.4–11

characters and references within  1.25–35, 8.34–5, 9.59–60

see also D'Eterville, Father Thomas; Lavengro (character)  Petulengro, Jasper

con-man  12.38–9, 45

David Haggart  2.65–6

Ingeborg, reference to  8.50

Philoh  3.32

Poet Parkinson  1.49–50, 53n

Romani women  13.11–21

‘serio-comic author'  8.29, 31, 33–7

snakes  9.65–9

Williams, Peter  1.25, 30–1, 35, 4.11–12, 14–15, 18–23, 45

influence on other writers  5.26–7, 36, 10.23–5, 13.31

journey of the main character  2.73–5

references to, in other publications  8.56, 57, 9.6–9

review of  6.36

themes within  10.6, 11–13, 11.7–16, 31, 49–50, 12.37–40, 45

dreams  13.76–7, 14.70–1

socialism  14.8, 15n.

Lewis Avershaw, for Murder, 1795  2.66–77

Life and Adventures of Joseph Sell, the Great Traveller  2.8–20, 3.5–14, 9.7

theories and thoughts on  2.68–72

‘Lines to Six Foot Three' (poem), Borrow  12.17

‘London Bridge'  12.70

Moorish Vocabulary  6.65, 107, 11.41–2

'Ode of Horace' (translation)  12.15–16, 16

Ode to Lewis Morris (poem), Borrow  4.61

Romano Lavo-Lil: Wordbook of the Romany..  1.66, 5.29, 9.45, 45, 75, 11.49

Romantic Ballads  1.40, 42, 42–3, 44, 8.45, 47, 50

romantic themes in  10.7–8

Romany Rye, The  6.27, 8.73–4, 9.3, 10.11–13, 11.49

characters and references in  1.90–1, 95, 12.47–50, 48, 14.55–9

Cogia Nasr Eddin Efendi  14.8, 14

Romani women  13.13–21

influence of, on other writers  13.27, 30–1

Sleeping Bard, The  1.63, 4.19

 ‘Songs of Scandinavia' (translations) 4.60, 8.45–54, 46

Squint-eyed Lady, The (poem)  4.61

Svend Vonved (poem)  4.62

Targum  8.50–2

translation techniques  14.65–6

Welsh and their Literature, The  1.61–2

Welsh Poems and Ballads (translations)  12.5

Wild Wales: It's People, Language and Scenery  1.45–6, 47, 12.4

characters and references in  10. 27–8, 35–41, 41–4, 12.6–7, 11–12, 50–62, 13.44–7

Miller of Mona and his Wife  14.53–5

editions of  11.47, 48

influence of, on other writers  10.7

introductions to  3.66–7, 70–2, 4.69

romantic themes in  10.15–18

word play in  6.27

The Zincali, Borrow  1.89, 6.56, 73, 92, 11.49, 82

amendments made to, by Borrow  14.51

editions of  14.51

etymology of the word 'Gypsy' in  10.48

portrayal of Gypsies in  6.96, 9.71, 73

review of  8.34

Borrow, Capt. George Henry (cousin)  5.13–17, 19n.

Borrow, John Thomas (brother)

adult life and death  1.42, 6.10, 7.40

George’s relationship with  11.12–13

letters written by  8.66–7

paintings by  4.6

schooling  9.3, 4

Borrow, Mary, née Clarke (wife)

see also Clarke, Henrietta (stepdaughter)

accompanies George on travels  3.88–9, 6.90–91, 96, 92

account of Yarmouth sea rescue (1853)?  10.53

death and burial  7.45

early life  5.53

health  10.14

letters to, from George  1.79–80, 84, 2.70, 6.89–90, 10.4, 14.32

marriage to Borrow  6.98

personal monetary accounts of  10.42, 11.44, 45, 13.43, 44

Borrow, Mike, obituary of  7.2

Borrow, Capt. Thomas (father)  9.57

ancestry of  5.6, 13

burial  9.66

George's relationship with  9.66–7, 69, 10.15, 11.8–9, 12–13

lost painting of  4.6

militia career of  9.20n., 47, 11.17, 14.40

see also militia, history of

negativity towards the Irish  10.50–1

Borrow Translations. Series 1. Songs of Scandinavia and other Poems and Ballads, The, (CD) Hentges  3.47, 4.60–3

Boswell, Gordon  13.5

see also Gordon Boswell Romany Museum, Spalding 

Bowring, Sir John  1.93, 3.41, 8.45

see also ‘Publications’ Index – Bowring, Sir John

letters from Borrow  11.86n.

‘Boxing Harry'  10.42, 56

Brace, Charles Loring  3.24–5, 7.11

Bradley, J. Frank  4.10, 73

Brandram, Rev.

Borrows letters to  7.61, 11.85n.

regarding Tangier  6.61, 62, 65, 72

from Spain  6.89, 96, 90, 92, 97

sends Borrow to Portugal and Spain  1.7–8

bridges  3.89

Brightwell, Cecilia ‘Lucy’  1.101, 4.47, 9.10, 11, 10.4, 14

British and Foreign Bible Society see Bible Society

British Association for Victorian Studies  14.65

British Newspapers website  1.64

Broadus, Edmund Kemper  6.18–23, 19

Broken Law, The (film)  2.79

Brompton, London  7.45, 12.82–3

Brontë, Charlotte  12.62–3

Browne, Hablot Knight (Phiz)  12.48

Buchini, Antonio (manservant)  1.11–12, 14, 6.90, 92, 93, 8.39–40, 41–2

Bunn, Ivan  5.4

see also ‘Publications’ Index – Bunn, Ivan

Burke, Ulick Ralph  6.101

Burleigh, Richard, obituary of  14.3

Burney, Fanny  10.59

Burns Marañón, T  1.18

Burton, Dennis, obituary of  4.4, 73–7

Burton, Rev. Henry  14.58–9

Bury St. Edmunds 10.14

Bushbury Church, Wolverhampton  11.46

Byron, Lord  1.55–7, 2.17


Cadiz, Spain  6.94

Caizergues, Pierre  12.46n.

see also ‘Publications’ Index - Caizergues, Pierre

Callot, Jacques  2.63, 65n.

Cambridge University  9.4–6

camping matches  6.31

Canterbury, Kent  9.2

Cárcel de la Corte (prison), Madrid  3.37–8, 40, 7.8

see also Borrow, George Henry, imprisonment

Carew, Bampfylde Moore  10.62

Carlist conflict, Spain

First Carlist War (1833-40)  2.32–47, 3.36, 8.41

Marquis de Santa Coloma’s involvement?  7.7, 13–14

published works on  3.44–7, 4.65–7

Carlos, Count of Molina (Don Carlos)  2.40

during First Carlist War  2.40–41, 42–4

claims to the Spanish throne  2.32–4, 37, 39

Carlyle, Thomas  13.37, 40n.


Beaumaris Castle, Anglesey  12.6, 13.64

Chirk Castle, Wrexham  1.48, 10.42

Knockagh Castle, Ireland  6.5–7, 12

Loughmoe Castle, Ireland  6.5, 7–10, 13

Catholicism, Borrows attitudes towards  6.69–70

cats  9.23–6, 10.44–5, 55

Celtic people, Borrow opinions of  6.23

Cendrars, Blaise  2.63

Centenary Celebrations, Norwich (1913)  3.77–85, 14.64

Ceuta, Spain  6.92–93

Chaillou, Michel  2.64

Chester, Cheshire  14.55–6

Chesterton, G. K.  9.6–9

Chirk Castle, Wrexham  1.48, 10.42

Christian people, in Gibraltar  6.102

Christmas  9.47–8

Churchill, Winston  2.72

Clare, John  9.56–7, 62, 64

see also John Clare Society

interest in Gypsies  9.56, 59, 62–3, 75

Clark, Margaret  9.4–6

Clarke, Henrietta (stepdaughter)

accompanies George on travels  3.88–9

in Seville  6.90, 91, 92, 93, 98

in Wales  5.46, 47–8n., 10.17, 12.5, 6

diary of  14.34

later life  11.45, 12.67–8, 69n.

marriage to William MacOubrey  14.22, 31–5, 38n.

residences  11.24n.

Clarke, Mary see Borrow, Mary, née Clarke (wife)

Clickimin Broch, Lerwick  5.80–1, 81

Cogia Nasr Eddin Efendi (character)  14.8

Collie, Prof. Michael  2.11, 4.2–3

Collins, Richard see Gwinnett, Ambrose

Company of Literary Gentlemen  1.16

conferences see society business, conferences

Constantinople  10.3–4, 14.51–2, 53

Copyright Act (1842)  14.47


see also Penquite, Cornwall

Borrow ancestry in  5.6–7

Borrow's acquaintances in  9.14–18

Borrow's affection for  5.62

publications on  10.62

Correa, Joanna  6.51, 54, 60, 62, 102

Corvinus Lectionary, The  1.96, 101

court cases  3.51, 6.15–18

Cowper, William  3.32, 51

Crimean War  3.75–6

‘Cristina' (Maria Cristina), Queen Consort of Spain  2.32, 34, 43

see also Carlist Conflict, Spain

Crockett, David ‘Davy’  3.49, 7.38–42

Cromwell, Oliver  6.4

Cunard, Nancy  5.27–30, 28

Cunningham, Rev. Francis  5.52–7

letters from Borrow  2.24

published works by  4.70, 5.53, 56–7, 6.37

currency (pounds)  9.50, 50


Darlow, Thomas  7.43

Debrecen, Hungary  1.85–6

report of society meeting in (2010)  1.70–6, 73

Dee Cottage, Llangollen  10.36, 37, 38–9, 41

sale of (2012)  5.5

society visit to, 2015  11.3, 3

Dereham, Norfolk  3.33, 54, 8.72–3, 10.73–4

Freemasons' Lodge  14.60

history of  14.40–6

St. Nicholas Church  3.32, 34

D'Eterville, Father Thomas  2.57, 8.59, 61

spelling of surname  9.33–4, 10.56

Devil's Bit (Devil's Mountain), Ireland  6.9

dialects, local

North Africa  6.107–108

East Anglian  10.56–7

Dickens, Charles  5.58–9, 12.38, 39

Borrow's interest in  13.44

diligencia, La (stage-coach)  11.77–9, 80, 82

Dinmael, Wales  11.28–9, 29

Dominguez brothers  12.29–34

double-entendres  6.27

dreams, theme in Borrow's work  11.49–50, 13.60, 13.76–7

drinking habits, of Borrow  5.48–51

Drummond-Hay, Edward William Auriol  6.52, 56, 57n., 60–61

Dumas, Alexandre  7.39

Dürer, Albrecht  4.55, 55


Earle, Prof. John  12.59

Earlham Hall, Norwich  5.54

East Anglia

see also Dereham, Norfolk; Norwich, Norfolk; Oulton, Suffolk

dialect of, in Borrow's work  10.52, 56–7

sport in  6.31

East Dereham see Dereham, Norfolk

Edwards, Dr. David  10.37–8, 44–5

erotic themes, to Borrow's works?  13.32, 35n.

Escandon y Lué, José María  8.40–1

Essay Competitions see George Borrow Trust, Essay Competitions

Eterville, Thomas de see D'Eterville, Father Thomas

Europe, Borrow’s ‘Grand Tour of’ (1844)   1.77–89, 78

Evangelical Church  9.46

see also Bible Society

Evans, Catherine  4.14, 15–18

Evans, Christmas  4.10–11, 12–15, 20, 20, 22–3

biography of  7.71–2

Évora, Portugal

Borrow's visit to, timeline of?  11.72–3

society visit to (2015)  11.51–6

executions, public  12.29–34

expense accounts, of Borrow's travels  11.77–81, 85, 89n.

personal monetary accounts of Mary Borrow  10.42, 11.44, 45


Farrell, Frank  3.77, 79, 80–1

Fearon vs. P & O court case  6.15–18

Fenimore Cooper, James  7.39

Ferdinand VII, King of Spain  2.32–4

Fernández, Jaime  8.76

Ferrol, Spain, George Borrow Square  7.51, 51

Fielding, Henry  6.22, 11.50, 51

fighting, bare knuckle  3.43–4

Finisterre, Spain  3.15, 20, 6.17

first editions, of Borrow  11.48–9

FitzGerald, Edward  13.47, 13.37–8, 40n.

Fletcher, Rev. John  14.57–8

football, Borrow’s interest in?  6.30–31

footpaths  5.68–9

Ford, Richard  3.41–2, 6.16, 12.65

Forsyth, Mark  6.24–28

France, Borrow's popularity in  2.61–3

Fraser, Sir Angus McKay

see also ‘Publications’ Index – Fraser, Sir Angus

friendship with René Fréchet  4.29–30, 32

on Joseph Sell  2.10, 20n.

opinions on Borrow in Ireland  6.5, 9

opinions on Borrow in London  6.16

Fraser Memorial Lecture

6th (21/08/2010)  1.4–5, 2.7–21

7th (17/09/2011)  3.66–77

8th (18/08/2012)  5.4–5

10th (14/05/2016)  13.76–93

Fréchet, René  5.29–30, 36–7

see also ‘Publications’ Index – Fréchet, René 

admiration for Borrow  5.34–5

early life of  4.26–28

friendship with Angus Fraser  4.29–30, 32

Frederick Duleep Singh, Prince  3.79

freemasons  14.60

Frith, Francis  13.35–40

Fuller, Thomas  4.21


Galicia, Poland  7.56–7

Garrison Library, Gibraltar  6.82, 83

genealogical research, of characters  9.14–18, 10.35–41, 41–4, 57–8 12.50–62

George Borrow Celebration Banquet (1913)  7.82

George Borrow Square, Ferrol, Spain  7.51, 51

George Borrow Trust  8.2–5, 9.51, 13.59–60

Essay Competitions

2012-13  4.72–3

2013  7.77–8, 8.77

2016  12.72

2017/18  14.67

restoration of Ann Borrow's grave  2.3–4, 5

Gerald of Wales (Sylvester Gerald de Barri)  3.72–4


Borrows travels in (1839)  6.46–47, 78–86, 88, 94, 116n., 14.69

people and languages of, encountered by Borrow  6.101–105

Society visit to (2012)  6.43–51

Gibraltar: The Landing Place, Bartlett  6.41

Gide, André  2.62, 5.25

gipsies see Gypsies (Romani people)

Gómez Alfaro, Antonio, obituary  13.2–4

Goodman, Henry  9.14

Gordon Boswell Romany Museum, Spalding  8.64, 9.55, 68

Gosse, Edmund  3.78–9

Grant, Jeremiah  11.36–7, 37

Graydon (Bible Society Agent)  1.8

Great Liverpool, sinking of  3.15–17, 20–1n., 6.15, 18

Great Yarmouth see Yarmouth, Norfolk

Grellman, Heinrich  9.72

'grimalkin'  7.76

Groome, Frank  9.75, 76

Groome, Hindes  5.5

Gross, Anthony  7.29–30, 36

artwork accompanying Leader Magazine article  7.30–5, 30, 32, 34, 35

Gurney, Anna  13.41–3

Gurney, John Joseph  5.54

Gurney, Joseph James  9.9

Gurney, Patricia  12.62–3, 14.62

Gurney, Richenda  4.18

Gwinnett, Ambrose  8.16, 82, 17–18, 19–26, 9.48–9

Gwyneddon Davies, Robert  13.82, 83–91

Gwynne Jones, Thomas  13.83–91

Gypsies (Romani people)  7.23, 79, 8.63, 9.71, 13.19

see also Borrow, George Henry, linguist skills of, Romani; Romany & Travellers Family  History Society

accounts of various families  and notable Gypsies  3.43–4, 9.57–8, 59, 63–4

Bohèmes of France  6.31–32

Borrow's interest in  1.84, 103, 9.56–9, 13.21

accusations of racism and fantasy against  9.71–9, 13.12, 13

compared to Jews  6.71

etymology of the word  10.45–52

genocide of, by Nazis  9.76–8

in Hungary and Romania (Transylvania)  1.90, 103–11, 3.24–5, 27, 29

frescoes  1.19, 74

in North Africa  6.57, 65

in Spain  6.29, 92

music of  3.43, 43, 4.59, 64, 5.66–8, 8.63–5, 9.49–50

of South London see Lavengro Road, London SE27, Laurie (article)

published works on  1.48, 3.43–4, 9.37–9, 40–2, 10.61–2

racial stereotyping of  10.46–50, 13.11–12, 15, 18

references to, by other writers  4.41–2, 5.25–6, 30–6, 12.41–44

see also Clare, John

reputation of  7.22–3, 8.76

Gypsy and Folklore Club  3.80

Gypsy Lore Society  9.76

Journal of see ‘Publications’ Index – Gypsy Lore Society Journal

‘Gypsylorists'  9.71, 76–7, 10.8


Haggart, David  2.65–6

Hake, Dr. Thomas Gordon  8.16, 17, 10.14

described by William Mackay  11.20

description of Borrow  7.78

Hales the Norfolk giant  6.39

Hall, Rev. George  9.27–33, 27

Hancock, Ian  13.12, 15–16

see also ‘Publications’ Index – Hancock, Ian

Hasfeld, John  9.18, 11.72–3

hauntings?  5.59–61

Haunts of George Borrow, Nichols (etchings)  1.68

Hawkes, Robert  4.71

Hayim ben Attar see Attar, Hayim ben (manservant)

Hayward, Richard  10.23–5, 24, 25

Heredia, Juan de Dios Ramírez  10.48

Hereford Square, London  6.38

Herne, Anselo  1.29

Herne, Mrs  13.11, 14–16, 20

Heron, Phil  14.60–1

highwaymen see Abershaw, Jerry

Hispanic Society of America, New York  2.22, 12.4

HMS Stately  9.18–20, 19

Hoare, Rev. Edward  5.54

Hoare, Sir Samuel  7.58–62

Holkham Hall, Norfolk  1.101

Holy Ghost, Sin against  4.20–2

Holyhead, Anglesey  12.8, 12–13

Homilies, translation of  2.21–31

homœopathy  14.39n.

William MacOubrey practices  14.28, 29, 31, 34

Horncastle Horse Fair  1.5, 6, 91, 3.51–2

horse fairs  1.5, 6, 91, 3.51–2, 9.47

horse racing  2.97

horses, Borrow's admiration for  14.52

Housman, A. E.  10.52–3

Howes, Rev. Thomas  3.33–5

Hudson, W.H.  12.69

Hughes, Jonathan (1797–1860?)  12.50–1, 51, 52

Hughes, Mathew, guide in Wales?  10.42–4

Hughes, Robert see Black Robin (Robin Ddu)


see also Romania

Borrow's links to  1.71–2, 89

Borrow's travels in  1.85–6, 2.71

Gypsy frescoes in  1.19

Hungarian Revolution  3.25

society visit to (2010)  1.70–6

Hunyadis  1.95–101

hymns  11.33, 35, 36n.

‘hyperpolyglots’  7.66, 67


'Ici commence la grande nuit des mots', Aragon (poem)  5.31–6

I'm a Romany Rai, Songs by Southern English Gypsy Traditional Singers (review)  5.66–8

Ingeborg (Princess)  8.50

‘Ingeborg's Disguise'  8.52–3

‘Ingeborg's Lamentation'  8.50–2

readers’ letters on  9.48


see also Belfast 

Borrow at Templemore Barracks  6.3–4, 9–11

Borrow in Tipperary  14.69–70

René Fréchet’s expertise in  4.26–7, 32–3

Isabel II, Queen of Spain  2.32–3

Istanbul, Turkey  10.3–4

Italy  1.87

Islam see also Moors; Muslims

Isle of Man  4.10, 13.47–8


Jacobs, Michael  8.75–6

Jamieson, Robert  10.8

János, Arany  1.75, 75, 94

Jayne, Arthur Garland  7.42–4

review on Borrow by  2.80–5

‘The Wanderer: George Borrow'  2.98

‘Je me souviens de cette ville', Aragon (poem)  5.30–1

Jerningham, Mr  6.97

Jerrold, Douglas William  8.27–9, 12.48, 49

Ambrose Gwinnett  8.18, 82


Borrow's attitude towards  1.37–9, 11.57–6

encountered in Gibraltar and Tangier  6.65, 70–71, 102–104, 117–118n

racial stereotyping of  10.48

John Clare Society  14.66–7

John Clare Festival, Helpston (2015)  11.5–6

Joint Meeting at Epping (2016)  13.7–10

meeting at Peterborough (2014)  9.52–5

Johnson, Dr. Samuel  5.21

Jones, David  3.67–9

see also ‘Publications’ Index – Jones, David

Jones, Edward  12.57–9

Jones, Ellen  13.67–9, 68

Jones, John (characters)  10.35, 12.60–2

Jones, John (Welsh guide)  10.35, 37, 41

Jones, John (J.) bookseller and author?  10.29, 30, 31, 32

Jones, Theophilus  13.83–91

Jones, Walter  10.35–6

Joyce, James  5.29, 13.27

Judah Lib  6.103–104, 7.56–7, 11.62, 63


Kerrison, Roger Allday  1.40–4, 41

King's Lynn  14.5

Knapp, William

see ‘Publications’ Index – Knapp, William

Knockagh Castle, Ireland  6.5–7, 12


La Coruña, Spain  7.50, 51

languages see  Borrow, George Henry, linguistic skills of

Lannon, Tim  7.2

Larbaud, Valery  2.61–2, 65n.

Lavengro (character)  2.73–5

attempted poisoning of  13.15

conversation with his father  6.25

meeting with Isopel Berners  8.48

meeting with Peter Williams  4.18–20, 25n., 45

mental health of  1.25–35

references to Chester, Cheshire  14.55

Lawrence, D. H.  8.73

Lawrence, Edwin  13.5

Lavengro Press, The  8.77–8, 9.53, 13.56–8, 14.67–70

Leech, Joanna  14.61

Leeds University, Brotherton Collection  4.47–8

Liberty, Rev. Nathaniel  7.45–50

Librivox (audio books)  11.25, 13.49

Lincolnshire see Hall, Rev. George

Lisbon, Portugal  11.51–6

Liverpool University Library  4.47–8

Llanfair, Anglesey  12.60–2, 61, 62, 63

Llangollen, Denbighshire  10.78, 11.94, 12.57–9, 58

see also Dee Cottage, Llangollen

Borrow's visit to  5.46

characters and references to, in Wild Wales  10.35, 36, 37–9

Llangollen Advertiser  9.23–6, 10.64–8

Llangollen Museum  10.41, 41

Pengwern Hall  13.44–7

society visit to (2015)  11. 4, 5, 2–5

Loftus, General William  14.41


see also 'Un soir de Londres', Aragon (poem)

Borrow in, during early career  2.7–8

Borrow visits, to testify in court case  3.17–18, 4.17, 6.16–17

Borrow's residences in  3.18–19, 23n., 5.59, 7.52–6

London Bridge

Anthony Gross illustrations of  7.33–4, 35, 41

Borrow’s descriptions of  7.52–3

history of  7.53–5

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth  12.25

Lord Whitefeather  12.47–50, 48

Loughmoe Castle, Ireland  6.5, 7–10, 13

Lowestoft  5.54, 55

Luckett's Court, Norwich  8.60, 61–2, 62

Lyal, Adam  13.41


macabre, Borrow’s interest in  8.17

Macaulay, Thomas Babington  3.41–2

MacFie, Scott  9.76

MacKay, William  10.74–5, 11.20–5, 14.39n.

MacOubrey, John (junior)  14.23, 25, 27–30, 27, 36, 36–7n.

MacOubrey, William  14.22

early life  14.23–31

later life and death  14.33–5, 39n.

marriage to Henrietta Clarke  14.22, 31–3, 38n.

Madeley, Shropshire  14.57–8, 57, 59


Borrow’s plaque in  4.7–8, 8, 7.63–4

Borrow’s travels to (1836)  12.29

Borrow’s travels through (1839)  6.89

Cárcel de la Corte (prison), Madrid  3.37–8, 40, 7.8

Time Capsule from 1834  3.35–6, 37

mail coaches  5.85, 86, 91–5

see also stagecoaches travel

Manchester (steamer)  3.19–21

manservants, to Borrow  1.83, 6.90, 92, 93, 103, 107

Marlowe, Christopher  9.2

Marple Aqueduct, Peak District  11.17, 17, 18, 19

Martineau, Dr.  10.42

Mátyás (Matthias Corvinus), King of Hungary  1.95, 96,  97–102, 99

McLeod, Capt. Alexander  3.15, 16, 19–21, 22n.

meetings see society business

Mencher, Barrie, obituary of  8.2

Mendizábal, Juan Álvarez, Prime Minister of Spain  11.65n., 65, 76, 84, 87n.

mental health  1.26–8, 30, 32, 35, 6.89

Methodist Church  11.30–6, 36n., 14.57, 59n.

in Wales  13.66, 73–4

Mezzofanti, Cardinal  7.65, 66

militia, history of  9.47–8, 10.64, 14.40, 43–5

Mitchell, Joseph  11.43

Mol, Benedict  2.86–7

Mona Lisa, da Vinci  2.76

Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal  11.66, 67, 91

Moore, George  5.27–9

Moors  6.104, 118n., 10.48

Borrows attitudes towards  6.66–69

encounters with, in Tangier  6.55, 60, 61, 63

Moroccan Jews  1.37–9, 11.57–9, 62

Morocco  6.57

see also Tangier(s), Morocco

Morris, Dr. Donald   2.73–4

Morris, Jan  14.64

Morris, Lewis  12.5, 12, 13, 86

Mosque of Bajazet, Constantinople  10.3

Mosque of Suleyman  10.20

Mount, David, obituary  14.2

Mount Shabod, Keeton (drawing)  1.47

Mousehold Heath, Norwich  2.97, 3.81, 83–4, 6.39

Munnings, Alfred  3.79

Muros see Asturias, Spain

Murray, John  3.17, 79, 4.38, 6.16, 14.46–9

musical recordings  3.43, 43, 4.59, 64, 5.66–8

Muslims  6.61

see also Moors ; Nasreddin Hoca 


Napier, Lieut.-Col. Elers  7.10–11

Napoleonic Wars  10.60–1, 64

see also Norman Cross prison camp

Nash, Paul  7.29

Nasreddin Hoca  14.5–14, 7, 9, 15n., 16–17n.

National Portrait Gallery  4.5–6

Navarra, Spain see Carlist Conflicts, Spain

Nazi Germany see Third Reich

New Testament

see also Bible, The

printing and supply of  1.9, 22n, 6.90

sales of, in Asturias  1.10, 16

translation into Manchu  2.21

'Newgate Novels'  2.13, 15

Newnham College, Cambridge  9.4–6

Nichols, Catherine Maude  3.79

nobility, Borrow's meetings with  1.91–3

Norfolk and Norwich Millennium Library, Norwich  4.52

Norman Cross prison camp  9.47, 58, 51, 54, 54–5, 59–60, 61

Northern Ireland  4.26–7

Norway  9.18, 20

Norwich, Norfolk  2.98, 5.78, 6.35

as described by Borrow  13.37

Borrow Centenary Celebrations (1913)  3.77–85, 14.64

Borrow's residence in  3.77–8, 80, 9.12, 13

Conference held in (2013) – 'Norwich and George Borrow: A Celebration'  6.3

map of (1883)  8.60

Market Place  2.110

Medical Institute, Lady Lane  9.12, 13

Mousehold Heath  2.97, 3.81, 83–4, 6.39

Stranger's Hall  8.59

Victorian society in  10.58–9, 70

Norwich Society  8.2–5

Norwich Society of Artists  2.55


‘Ode of Horace’ (poem), Owen  12.15–16, 16


Old Sarum  5.83, 87, 98

Oliver, Peter  3.5

see also ‘Publications’ Index – Oliver, Peter

Opie, Amelia  9.9–14, 10, 10.58–60

Opie, John  9.10

Oradea, Romania  3.23, 25–8, 31

Oulton, Suffolk  2.100, 11.43–5, 12.66–8

hauntings in?  5.59–61

map of  2.6

Oulton Cottage residence  14.34, 35

society meeting in, 2011  2.3–4, 5

St. Michael's Church  2.3–4, 5

Oviedo see Asturias, Spain

Owen, Goronwy  2.78, 78, 12.5, 6, 14–15, 19n., 13.98

birthplace of  13.67, 67, 68, 69, 14.53, 54

Owen, Rev. Dr. Hugh  12.51–5


P & O Shipping Company  6.15–18

Pakefield, Suffolk  5.52

Pamplona, Spain  7.8, 10

Parkinson (Parkerson), James  1.49–53

Parry-Jones, Dr. Chas, obituary of  11.2

Pattinson, David, obituary of  1.2

Pattinson, Graham  10.39–41

Pattinson, Sue, obituary of  3.3

Payot, Gustave  12.41–2, 46

Peacock, Thomas Love  8.29–38, 32

Peake, Edward  3.79

Pelayo, Menéndez  1.17

Pengwern Hall, Llangollen  13.44–7

Penquite, Cornwall  9.14–16, 10.57–8

Pentraeth, Anglesey  4.54, 54, 12.6, 9, 13.63,  67, 67

Perfrement, Ann see Borrow, Ann, née Perfrement (mother)

Perrin, Jim  4.68

Peterborough  8.58, 9.53

meeting at (2014)  9.52–5

Peto, Samuel Morton  7.71

Petulengro (family)  13.13, 14, 18–19

Petulengro, Jasper  1.25, 26, 5.62–3, 9.57–9, 70, 13.14, 17

grave of  1.47–8, 114

Petulengro, Pakomovna  13.17

Phillips, Henry Wyndham  4.6

Philo, James  3.32–5, 14.41

Pilgrim, John  11.44

Poe, Edgar Allan  13.29–30

poetic metres  12.27n.


Borrow's interest in  12.5–20

Borrow’s translations of  3.50, 12.20–8

written by Borrow  4.60–3, 12.17

see also Borrow, George Henry, works, publications and translations

Polyglot culture  6.104–105

Ponsonby, John, Viscount  1.92–3

Pont y Cysyllte Aqueduct, Llangollen  11.16, 16, 18, 40

Portugal  11.51–6

Borrow's travels in (1835-6)  8.67–8, 70n., 11.70–90

society visit to (2015)  11.51–6

Portuguese Jews  11.60–1, 62

Post Office see mail coaches

pounds (currency)  9.50, 50

Presteigne, Radnorshire  3. 58, 59, 101

society visit to, 2011  3.59–62, 63, 99

prison see Borrow, George Henry, imprisonment

Pritchard, Hugh  12.6, 7

Protestantism  8.69–70

publications list since 1981, relating to Borrow  4.78–90

Pughe, William 'Owen'  10.33, 34n.

puns  6.27

Pushkin  4.41–2


Quakers see Opie, Amelia

Queneau, Raymond  13.33n.

Quesada, General  7.8–9, 9, 10

Quevado, Francisco de  13.78–80


racism, accusations of, against Borrow  9.71–2

Radnorshire see Presteigne, Radnorshire

Reading, Ena, obituary of  5.2

Reeve, Richard Henry  7.4–5

Reinach, Th.  5.65

religion, in Wales, in 19th Century  13.73–4

Rennie Bridge see London, London Bridge

Ritchie, James Ewing  1.58–9

Ritter, Dr Robert  9.77

Rivas, Manuel  3.42–3

see also ‘Publications’ Index – Rivas, Manuel

Robert, David and Gwen  10.35

Robin Ddu (Black Robin) 12.10–11

Roma people see Gypsies (Romani people)

Roman Catholic Church  1.9

Borrows attitudes towards  6.69–70, 14.24

Romania  3.23–31

Romanticism (movement)  10.6

Romany & Travellers Family History Society  1.48–9

Romany Gypsies

see also Gypsies (Romani people)

distinction from 'travellers'  9.76, 77

Rome  1.87

Rossi, Giacinto ‘George’  2.47–59, 48, 56, 60

Royal Air Force  8.56, 57

Rüdiger, Johann  9.72

rugby, Borrow interest in?  6.30–31

Russell, Jonathan  14.62

Russia  2.21, 4.41

see also Crimean War

Rye, Walter  3.78


Salisbury, Wiltshire  5.82–9

see also Stonehenge, Wiltshire

Samuel, Arthur, Lord Mayor of Norwich  3.82

Santa Coloma, Marquis de  7.6–17

Schmidt, Arno  13.22–35, 23

Scize, Pierre  5.32

Scot, Michael  11.24–5


Borrow's travels in  5.80–1, 81, 10.15

Lavengro, travels in  6.34

Scriptures see Bible, The

Seccombe, Thomas  3.79

Seigel, Jerrold  5.29

Sephardi Jews  11.59, 62

Seville, Spain  6.89, 90–93, 96–98, 7.11


see also erotic themes, to Borrow's works? 

morality of, in Romani culture  13.11–13

Shah, Idries  4.67–8

shekel, Borrow's   5.63–5, 64, 65

Shelley, Percy Bysshe  8.31, 36

Sheringham Park, Norfolk  13.41–3

Shon Catti, Twn (Tom Shone Catti)  5.76–8

Shorter, Clemence

see also ‘Publications’ Index – Shorter, Clemence

celebrates Borrow's centenary  3.77, 84

description of Borrow  6.40

Shrewsbury  3.88, 91

Shrewton, Wiltshire  5.84, 89–90, 90–1

Sibly family (Borrow ancestry)  5.6, 11.8

Sidi Habismilk  14.52

Simpson and Rackham Solicitors, Norwich  1.41–2, 49

Skepper, Edmund (father-in-law)  12.54–5

Skepper, Mary see Borrow, Mary, née Clarke (wife)

Smith, Ambrose  9.57

Smith, Nathaniel 'Nat'?  9.58–9

snakes, referenced in Lavengro  9.65–70

socialist themes, in Borrow's work  14.8

society business

20th Anniversary Lunch  3.4

accounts  8.12–13, 12.78–81

Alliance of Literary Societies Annual General Meeting (2016)  13.6–7

Biennial General Meetings

17/09/2011  3.94–8

02/11/2013  8.7–16

24/10/2015  12.75–83

Christmas lunches  4.7, 8.5, 10.2, 75, 12.2, 14.3–4

conferences  8.8–10

2008 - Clonmel, Ireland  6.3–4

2010 - Debrecen, Hungary  1.70–6

2011 - Presteigne, Radnorshire  3.59–62, 63, 99

2012 - Gibraltar  6.43–51

2012 - Salisbury  5.82–9

2013 - Brompton Cemetery, An Afternoon with George Borrow – at  7.2–5

2013 - Norwich and George Borrow: A Celebration  6.3, 8.2–5

2013 - University of La Coruña  8.4

2014 - Peterborough  9.52–5

2015 - Lisbon and Évora, Portugal  11.51–6

2015 - Llangollen, Wales  11.2–5

2016 - Anglesey  13.65–70, 67, 68, 69

2016 - Epping  13.7–10

2017 - Kings Lynn  14.5

Executive Committee Meetings

21/08/2010  1.2–4

16/09/2011  3.2–3

18/08/2012  5.2–3

01/11/2013  8.5–7

24/10/2015  12.74–5

Istanbul, Editor's visit to, 2015  10.3–4

website  4.77

solicitors  1.41–2, 49, 3.17, 6.16–17

Solomons  6.103–104, 109–112

songs see musical recordings

Spain  3.42

see also Asturias, Spain; Madrid, Spain; Seville, Spain

Borrow meets Hungarians in  1.89

Borrow's importance in Spanish literature  3.42

Borrow’s planned visits to  6.57

Borrow’s residences in  2.82–3, 3.39–40, 4.7–8, 8, 7.11

Borrow’s travels in  6.28–29, 7.10–12, 17n.

1835–6  11.70–90

1837  9.21–2

Borrow's works in libraries and collections in  4.52

civil war in see Carlist conflict, Spain

St. Mary the Boltons Church, West Brompton  7.45–8, 45, 49–50n.

St. Michaels Caves, Gibraltar  6.84, 86

stage-coach travel  11.77–80, 80, 87–9n.

Stockport, Lancashire  11.17

Stonehenge, Wiltshire  4.91, 5.57–8, 84, 13.37

Turner painting of  4.56, 57

Stranger's Hall, Norwich  8.59, 60, 61

straw plaits  9.59–62

Suffolk  13.37

'Sur le Pont Neuf j'ai rencontré', Aragon (poem)  5.23–4, 36


Tabenera, Goméz  8.40

Tangier(s), Morocco

Borrows visit to  6.52–57, 64–65, 72–73, 92–93

reasons for visit  6.59–61

people and languages encountered by Borrow  6.101–105

Society visit to (2012)  6.51

Taylor, Anne (cousin)  9.51

Taylor, Robert and Anne  9.14–18, 10.57–8

Taylor, William  4.39

teachers, themes in publications  14.9–10

Tegid (Ioan Tegid)  10.32

see also Jones, John (J.) bookseller and author

Templemore Barracks, Ireland

Borrows stay in  6.3–4, 9–11, 13

society visit to (2008)  6.3–4

Testaments, distribution of in Spain  6.89, 90, 92

see also New Testament

theatre  8.18, 27–8, 82, 14.40

thimble-riggers  8.44

Third Reich  9.77–8

Thomas, Edward  5.68

Thurtell, John  3.48–9

Times Perspective (poem)  4.61

Timur or Tamurlane, Sultan  14.9, 12–13, 12, 16n.

Tipperary, Ireland see Templemore Barracks, Ireland

translations see Borrow, George Henry, works, publications and translations

Transylvania see Hungary; Romania

travel writing  1.45–6


see also Gypsies (Romani people)

etymology of the word  10.46

and Romany Gypsy, differences  9.76, 77

Tremar, Cornwall  9.14

Trethennick family  5.6–7

Trinity Church, Gibraltar  6.82, 84

Tudor, Owen  12.5, 8, 10, 19n.

Turner, Dawson  10.14

Turner, Joseph Mallord William  4.56–8, 57

Twitter  14.4

Twn Shon Catti (Tom Shone Catti)  5.76–8


United States of America, Borrow's works in libraries and collections in  4.50–1, 52–3

‘Un soir de Londres', Aragon (poem)  5.20–1, 35

Upcher, Rev. A.W.  13.41–3

Ursula (character)  13.12, 13–14, 16–17, 20, 14.68, 68

Usk, river  3.90, 93–4n.

Usoz, Dr Luis de  7.65–6, 12.38, 39–40n.


Venturas, Graciella  2.79, 5.6–19

viaducts and aqueducts  11.16–20

Vienna, Austria  1.81, 85

Villiers, Sir George  7.61

Voltaire  6.70



see also Anglesey, Isle of; Llangollen, Denbighshire; Presteigne, Radnorshire

Borrow's notebooks on  3.59, 65, 87–94

Borrow's second visit to (1857)  3.59, 86, 87–94

Presteigne  3.62–6

Borrow's third visit to (1867)  3.65–6

Wake of Freya, The (custom)  14.41–2

Watt, James  3.12–13

Watts-Dunton, Theodore  8.16, 26, 78–9

see also ‘Publications’ Index – Watts-Dunton, Theodore

review of Borrow's works  13.18

Weare, William  3.48–9

Webster, Wentworth  7.15n.

see also ‘Publications’ Index – Webster, Wentworth

Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of  8.67

Welsh Robin Hood see Twn Shon Catti (Tom Shone Catti)

Wesley, Charles  11.31–3, 36n.

West Brompton see Brompton, London; St Mary the Boltons Church, West Brompton

West Norfolk Militia  9.19, 21n.

White Horse Tavern, Fetter Lane, London  6.17

Widdrington, Samuel  1.17

Wilcock, Rev. J.  5.80–1

Williams, Peter  1.25, 30–1, 35, 4.11–12, 14–15, 18–23, 45

Williams, Vaughan  4.71

Williams, Winifred  1.25, 30–1, 4.14, 15–19

Wilson, A. N.  13.18

Wiltshire  4.94, 5.85

see also Salisbury, Wiltshire; Stonehenge, Wiltshire

Borrow's visit to  5.89–91, 94–5


see also Berners, Isopel ‘Belle’

Borrows attitudes towards  3.81, 6.93

encounters of, in Spain  6.93–94

encounters of, in Tangier  6.65–66, 71

in Romani culture  13.11–13, 19

‘Woman's Lament, A' (poem)  9.48

Woodforde, Parson  5.58

Wynn, Sir Watkin Williams  10.27–8

Wynne, Ellis  13.80–2, 13.95

see also ‘Publications‘ Index – Wynne, Ellis


Yarmouth, Norfolk

sea rescue of 1853, by Borrow  10.53–5

Yarmouth Bridge Disaster (1845)  7.76–7, 8.55–6, 56

Yeats, W. B.  5.29

Yr Arwydd, Anglesey  14.53


Zumalacárregui, Tomás  7.13–14

Zurika The Gypsy Maid, Anderson (piano score)  8.63