Index of persons, places, themes and books in the George Borrow Bulletin, First Series, nº 1 (1991) to nº 40 (2010)

The following Thematic Index offers references to the articles which appeared in the George Borrow Bulletin First Series between 1991 and 2010.

Alphabetical ordering is done by the first noun or adjective found in the headword; pronouns, prepositions and articles are ignored. Numbers in bold type refer to the issue of the Bulletin. The numbers in normal type which follow these, refer to the pages in that Bulletin. Hence “Churchill, Sir Winston… 27, 63, 87” means that information on Churchill’s interest in the works of George Borrow may be found on page 63 and page 87 of Bulletin nº 27.

An ‘f’ after the page number indicates ‘and following page’; ‘ff’ means ‘and following two pages’; references of greater length are written out in full. Thus, “Borrow, Ann (mother)… 14, 34f; 15 45ff; 17, 86-90” means that information on George Borrow’s mother will be found on pages 34-35 of Bulletin 14; on pages 45-47 of Bulletin 15; and on pages 86-90 of Bulletin 17.

Abarbenel 10, 21f; 19, 69f; 22, 80; 26, 43f; 33, 30, 34; 34, 36; 35, 22

Acaia brook, see: Caia brook

Adelung, Friedrich 29, 12, 16; 33, 26; 34, 7ff
Adelung, Johann 29, 12, 16; 34, 7
Aesop 32, 7–10, 17
Aficionados of Caló 36, 16–28
Ainsworth, Harrison 22, 50f, 55, 62
Alfieri 38, 11
Alison, Archibald 30, 61
Almaraz 35, 21–33; 36, 3f
Anderson, Sherwood 29, 10
Anglesey 34, 47
Annals of the Four Masters 37, 91
The apple-woman of London Bridge 38, 56, 60f
Archaeology Britannica (1707) 37, 92, 98
Ardry, Francis 18, 13, 20f; 30, 19, 57f
Arnold, Matthew 36, 94; 40, 92
Asturias 30, 30–42
The “Author” from Lavengro chapter 66 23, 68; 34, 62–71
Azaña, Manuel 6, 2; 25, 72–76; 30, 6; 31, 54; 33, 9; 40, 82f
Babbage, Charles 13, 7
Badajoz 36, 3–15, 17
Bagnigge Wells 30, 57f
Bailly, Juan Antonio 31, 51; 36, 24f, 31
Bala 10, 2–6, 60–75, 82
Balbin de Unquera, Antonio 30, 30–42; 32, 41; 38, 32f
Baldry, S.H. 21, 23; 26, 56f, 63f, 69
Balseiro 31, 54
Barbirolli, Sir John 36, 41–46; 37, 30
Baroja, Pío 7, 27f; 40, 90
Barrett, Elizabeth (afterward Browning) 13, 7f, 13
Bately, Dr John 20, 83; 26, 63f, 89; 27, 67
Baudelaire, Charles 37, 59
Beckford, William 23, 68, 81ff; 32, 42; 36, 88f
Bedingfield family 26, 70; 40, 107
Beekeeping and mead-making 29, 53–57
Belcher, Jem 20, 49; 23, 34
Bello, Andrés 28, 20
Bembibre del Bierzo 32, 65–68
Ben Attar, Hayim 7, 6; 8, 3; 15, 38f; 24, 63, 65f
Bentham, Jeremy 1, 16; 12, 78; 28, 26, 35
Beowulf 20, 20–39; 21, 40ff; 26, 55
Berkeley, Reverend John 19, 21, 30; 21, 18f
Berners, Isopel 1, 15; 6, 18ff; 11, 18; 18, 37–45; 23, 30–41; 30, 12; 31, 27f; 32, 23; 34, 78; 35, 41f; 38, 11–19, 74
Berners, Lord 13, 18f; 15, 36; 18, 38, 44; 26, 55f, 66
Berwick 1, 12–15; 19, 98; 21, 0, 59–63, 82–95; 34, 75
Betts, Lieut. William (Quartermaster) 21, 66; 37, 75f
Bianconi, Charles 37, 63, 70, 86, 106
Bichurin, Nikita Iakovlevich (Father Hyacinth) 33, 26, 32, 64, 77; 34, 15–25
Blanco White (Blanco y Crespo), José 28, 18–21; 34, 42
Bligh, Captain William 38, 57; 39, 44f
Bodleian Library Oxford 39, 40–42
Bohemia, bohemians 37, 9–24

Bonaparte, Emperor, see: Napoleon

Bonaparte, Prince Louis Lucien 10, 20; 32, 40; 38, 50
Borrégo, Andreas or Andrés 32, 33; 36, 30, 34; 38, 32; 39, 61; 40, 65
“Borrovian” as a term 33, 51f
Borrow, Ann (mother) 1, 11; 13, 4; 14, 34f; 15, 45ff; 16, 47, 50, 56ff; 17, 86–90; 18, 50, 52, 78; 20, 85, 88; 21, 22; 22, 45f, 59; 23, 88; 24, 60, 65; 26, 56, 60, 63; 27, 66; 29, 11; 32, 83, 85; 34, 73f; 35, 78f; 37, 67; 38, 45

Borrow, George, General Subjects

- and alcoholic drink 2, 7f; 9, 10; 11, 48; 19, 45; 20, 79, 84; 21, 18, 22ff, 74; 22, 49, 90; 23, 84, 89; 26, 51, 64, 80, 83–86; 29, 53–57, 62, 84, 90–95; 31, 88; 32, 72ff; 33, 48; 34, 37, 43; 35, 44; 36, 44, 56, 80ff; 37, 96; 38, 13, 17; 39, 112
- ambitions to public office 31, 22f, 26ff, 30f; 32, 31; 35, 88–104; 36, 71f, 74
- ancestry (various) 14, 62–66; 29, 11, 16; 31, 65f
- and animal protection 22, 43–49, 62; 26, 44f; 37, 17
- and aristocracy 13, 8, 10; 14, 30; 16, 23; 17, 19; 19, 9, 14f
- and art 13, 8f, 14, 16–21; 19, 35; 20, 77, 79, 91; 21, 4–7; 22, 41, 43, 83; 23, 57; 26, 51; 31, 97; 35, 34–41, 83; 36, 88
- appearance in fiction, poetry, theatre etc 6, 28ff; 7, 27–31; 13, 38ff; 14, 47ff; 16, 55f; 31, 64; 32, 75–78; 33, 51, 55; 34, 92; 35, 104; 37, 48f, 57f, 82–90; 40, 41
- autobiographies 14, 30–44
- birth 23, 19f; 25, 3, 5; 26, 12; 30, 11, 23; 33, 53
- and censorship 29, 62–65
- in the census 12, 50–53; 20, 72, 80
- and children 7, 6; 11, 48; 20, 46, 87; 21, 5f, 22f; 23, 70f; 26, 56f; 27, 66; 35, 98; 36, 46
- and China 17, 23; 19, 10–13, 19f; 20, 85; 21, 21; 24, 65f; 28, 12; 29, 25, 29f; 33, 24ff, 32; 34, 9, 15; 35, 89–94
- and the classics 15, 7f; 31, 42–45; 32, 8, 70–72; 34, 76ff, 81f, 86, 88; 36, 43
- death 7, 33–37, 40; 12, 61; 18, 83; 21, 15; 30, 11, 24; 33, 45ff; 36, 58; 37, 25
- and dogs 16, 47, 50, 57–64; 20, 82, 92; 23, 87; 24, 60, 66; 34, 77, 35, 79; 37, 50, 99
- eastern European journey 1844. 2, 6; 9, 35; 10, 22f; 13, 9; 15, 49; 17, 94f; 20, 73; 21, 94f; 28, 9f; 31, 16; 32, 72; 35, 98; 36, 76
- education and schools 14, 31, 35; 15, 67–72; 17, 21; 18, 13, 19, 27f, 29–37; 20, 74f, 89; 21, 70, 74, 82–95; 26, 82; 29, 11, 16, 58, 97–104; 34, 85f; 35, 103; 37, 63, 66, 69, 71f, 82–85; 39, 47
- finances 2, 7; 5, 13f; 14, 13, 40; 16, 45–51; 17, 86ff; 19, 14; 20, 82; 21, 21; 23, 60, 88f; 25, 35; 29, 18, 21–26, 30, 88–97; 31, 23; 32, 36, 39; 33, 44f; 35, 77–80, 94; 36, 35, 73f, 77–86; 37, 44; 38, 35; 40, 60, 66, 68f, 72
- his grave 8, 36ff; 10, 57; 17, 53; 24, 3ff; 25, 7f, 11; 26, 0; 31, 4, 72; 33, 5, 78; 37, 9, 46; 38, 2, 69; 39, 0, 4f, 79–84, 109–113, 115, 119
- hand-writing and signature 1, 10; 2, 10f; 10, 20; 16, 25–29; 17, 87ff; 19, 39; 20, 60; 21, 48f; 25, 30, 36; 26, 59; 27, 65; 28, 15ff, 38; 31, 75, 83; 35, 103f, 106; 37, 93; 38, 41, 45, 48
- health, “the horrors” and “touching” 23, 68; 25, 27f; 26, 60; 29, 13f; 34, 63–70, 79; 35, 94; 36, 48; 37, 45; 38, 11; 39, 26, 33ff, 37–40; 40, 5f, 9, 64, 66
- and horses 9, 15f; 11, 19; 12, 23–42, 46f; 14, 10–30, 32; 15, 29–41; 18, 44; 25, 39; 26, 63, 69; 27, 66; 30, 8–29; 31, 12–31; 34, 75f, 83f; 36, 46, 50, 66; 37, 45, 95; 38, 16, 79; 39, 22–37; 40, 59–63, 68ff, 75
- impressions by contemporaries 11, 47f; 16, 68, 69; 17, 81f, 86; 18, 17, 62f, 65, 77f, 82, 91f; 19, 21f, 36, 83; 20, 84f, 87; 21, 5–8, 16ff, 21–24; 22, 45, 51f, 69; 23, 66, 84; 25, 33f; 26, 50f, 63f, 65; 27, 66; 30, 5f; 32, 69, 72f; 34, 33, 69; 36, 46, 50, 56, 57; 39, 51f
- and India 19, 11, 13, 19; 32, 70; 37, 32
- and industry 40, 18–31
- and the Jews 10, 21f; 18, 50–59; 19, 69–74; 20, 48–51; 22, 49; 26, 43f; 28, 6, 11ff; 32, 28, 32, 85f; 33, 30; 34, 73f; 35, 22f
- his knowledge of natural history 10, 55ff; 23, 81, 87; 26, 61; 35, 95
- his library and reading 1, 8–12; 2, 9–14; 3, 9f; 5, 15; 9, 15, 34f; 10, 16–26; 14, 42; 15, 7–27; 16, 49; 18, 62f; 20, 25, 27, 30ff; 21, 48f, 92f; 24, 25–36; 28, 6, 12, 38ff, 49; 29, 87, 94f; 31, 83, 95; 33, 32; 34, 10, 73f; 36, 53f, 55f, 58; 37, 92ff; 38, 58ff
- his life-mask 8, 8f; 18, 10f; 34, 70
- and Lily’s Latin Grammar 20, 74; 21, 82–95; 29, 16, 97f, 102
- as literary lion 13, 2–15; 16, 56f
- London years 32, 72–76; 33, 62; 34, 69; 35, 77; 36, 66, 98; 37, 0, 25–30; 38, 2f, 43, 56, 60f; 39, 6–22, 84–109; 40, 16
- memorials and commemorations 2, 4–8; 5, 2; 7, 2; 8, 9; 9, 3; 10, 57; 14, 58; 15, 4; 16, 10, 90; 17, 43, 53; 18, 11; 22, 50; 23, 3ff, 59, 61; 25, 2–6, 9, 32; 26, 0, 2ff, 11ff; 27, 6; 29, 71; 30, 55f, 59–63; 31, 4f; 32, 2f, 5; 32, 65–68, 72–75, 90; 33, 48; 34, 43; 35, 77, 103; 37, 4f; 38, 69
- his memory 21, 10, 20, 74

- mental health see: “Borrow: health”

- and music 21, 22; 30, 56; 35, 79ff; 36, 76f, 36, 40–46, 86f
- notebooks and diaries 14, 71–85; 18, 10, 22, 23ff; 19, 39; 20, 82, 86ff; 21, 61, 74; 22, 35; 23, 61f, 77; 26, 63; 27, 98; 29, 88, 96f; 36, 78; 37, 32, 91; 40, 75
- in old age 3, 13f; 7, 6; 8, 41; 11, 47f; 18, 62–65, 77f; 32, 21; 36, 57; 39, 85–87
- and phrenology 34, 31ff
- portraits 11, 0; 13, 6, 8f, 12f, 19; 19, 36; 22, 60; 33, 47f; 34, 32; 37, 52
- reputation 9, 30f, 37f; 13, 38ff; 21, 10–15, 43; 22, 42f, 62, 76–81; 25, 18–21, 25; 26, 2f; 27, 11–23; 28, 53–60; 29, 6ff, 15f, 52f, 66f, 72; 30, 0, 30–42, 55f, 60–67; 31, 45–58; 32, 19f, 61–65, 33, 7f; 34, 44; 35, 65; 36, 35–40; 38, 70–73, 76ff; 39, 40ff, 71f; 40, 32, 81, 87, 89, 93, 100, 110
- in the school curriculum 9, 24–27; 11, 35–38, 40f; 27, 19
- and sex 3, 11f, 12f, 21f; 6, 16, 24; 16, 67; 21, 10, 13f; 26, 35; 29, 63f; 34, 63f; 38, 13–17; 39, 95
- and slavery 19, 20–24; 22, 47ff; 26, 80; 37, 17; 38, 75
- and suicide 19, 46–51, 72; 20, 47f; 21, 7; 25, 30; 26, 7
- swimming, walking 7, 6f; 9, 36; 11, 46; 14, 32, 36–42; 16, 71–74; 18, 92; 20, 69, 81ff, 87f; 21, 21, 24; 22, 55; 23, 64f, 81; 25, 33f; 26, 60–64; 29, 90; 31, 82f; 34, 51f, 65f; 37, 49f, 53f; 39, 85f; 40, 93
- “veiled period” 11, 12; 12, 38f; 14, 19–30, 36; 16, 65; 17, 87, 89; 26, 51, 67; 28, 8f; 35, 94; 37, 38, 92; 39, 30, 32, 34f, 36; 40, 7f, 16f
- views on politics 9, 13; 10, 62, 64; 13, 4, 35ff; 16, 19–32; 17, 6–29; 18, 12–29; 19, 7–31; 22, 65–68; 23, 25ff; 25, 22f; 26, 73; 32, 7–19; 34, 42; 37, 90; 38, 13f; 39, 9f
- views on religion 6, 24; 7, 16; 9, 34; 10, 5, 64f, 72; 12, 13; 14, 38; 16, 24, 29f; 17, 14ff; 18, 13–20; 19, 24ff; 20, 48; 21, 12; 24, 62; 25, 12–25, 27, 35; 26, 45, 70–81; 30, 5, 60; 31, 81–97; 32, 16, 18; 33, 57f; 34, 11f, 41; 35, 83, 85f; 37, 71; 38, 9, 51ff; 39, 9f, 83; 40, 4–18, 105, 110
- and wolves 35, 21–31; 36, 4; 38, 74
- youth 14, 39f; 20, 73–76, 90; 21, 63–95; 26, 58; 31, 21, 28, 38f; 29, 89; 32, 13; 35, 88f

Borrow, George, linguistic skills, interests and translations

- Albanian 10, 23
- Anglo-Saxon 20, 20–34, 58–61; 21, 40ff; 22, 44; 35, 89; 37, 28, 93
- Arabic 13, 9, 14; 24, 78; 28, 6; 36, 54
- Armenian 17, 87; 18, 50–59; 28, 15; 38, 9–19
- Basque 8, 32; 10, 22; 40, 76
- Caló (Spanish Romani) 9, 19; 10, 4, 21; 14, 31; 24, 57; 25, 75; 30, 6; 32, 32–48, 80f; 33, 31; 35, 67; 36, 9–12, 15–28, 97; 37, 50; 39, 73
- Chinese 10, 18; 12, 30; 20, 59f, 85; 24, 31; 30, 20f; 34, 21; 39, 27, 36
- Cornish 14, 85–95; 24, 28
- Czech 19, 39
- Danish 1, 9; 3, 9f; 9, 11f; 15, 57, 72ff; 17, 56–79; 19, 37f; 20, 58f; 21, 90f; 25, 36, 61; 30, 51; 34, 28f; 36, 43; 37, 25f, 95
- Dutch 1, 9f, 12; 10, 19; 22, 66; 28, 37–49; 34, 73f
- Finnish 20, 59; 21, 91–94; 24, 28, 34; 25, 61ff; 29, 32–51; 30, 43–55; 31, 0, 31–42; 34, 74f
- Gaelic (Irish and Scottish) 26, 65; 28, 0, 39, 49; 34, 77f, 83; 35, 89; 37, 27, 62, 71ff, 90–102; 39, 53f
- Gallegan 25, 64–71; 37, 44f
- German 12, 75f; 18, 53; 19, 34, 38–41, 84–90; 20, 55ff; 24, 28; 28, 38; 30, 43–55
- Greek 26, 61; 28, 40
- Hebrew 1, 9; 17, 87ff, 91; 18, 50–59; 19, 72; 24, 29, 56; 28, 6, 38, 40
- Hungarian 31, 16
- Icelandic 17, 92; 20, 34; 21, 91
- Italian 38, 58ff
- Latin 18, 13; 19, 87; 20, 74; 21, 82–95; 28, 40; 29, 16, 97f, 102; 33, 36–39; 34, 76f, 81f
- Malayo-Polynesian 32, 68–71
- Manchu 1, 8; 10, 18; 14, 39; 15, 39f; 21, 21; 24, 31; 26, 61; 29, 12, 102; 33, 26, 70–72; 34, 7f, 22f; 35, 97
- Manx 10, 20, 23; 22, 68–74; 28, 0, 66; 29, 79–104; 39, 51f
- Mongolian 29, 12
- Nahuatl 29, 12
- Norse 1, 9; 19, 87; 21, 91; 22, 39–41, 80; 26, 55; 34, 77f; 36, 43; 37, 100
- Persian 1, 9f; 10, 17ff; 13, 14; 24, 36; 33, 51; 36, 51, 54f
- Polish 10, 22; 19, 32; 40, 44
- Portuguese 1, 8; 22, 66f; 37, 36f
- Romani (see also Caló) 18, 92; 20, 79; 21, 5; 22, 81f; 26, 15; 27, 27ff, 42f; 28, 40; 29, 15, 67; 31, 22, 30; 32, 63; 33, 55, 67ff; 38, 12, 77; 40, 91f
- Russian 8, 31; 21, 92; 24, 34; 29, 12; 33, 66–71; 34, 78f; 37, 93; 38, 36–41
- Sanskrit and Hindu 1, 8; 32, 63; 36, 54f
- Spanish 1, 8; 22, 66f; 25, 28, 31; 28, 40; 36, 52, 54
- Swedish 29, 32–51; 30, 48ff
- Turkish 10, 24; 13, 14; 24, 36; 36, 53f; 40, 76
- Ukrainian 37, 46
- Welsh 1, 9; 2, 4, 9ff; 5, 18; 6, 24; 9, 20ff; 10, 19f, 51, 68; 11, 42f; 15, 76; 19, 87, 90; 22, 106; 26, 4–10, 59f, 66; 31, 75, 81–97; 33, 54; 34, 80; 36, 56; 37, 27, 32, 100; 38, 54; 40, 19f, 22
- Yiddish 18, 50–59

Borrow, George. Works and publications.

- The Bible in Spain 8, 31; 9, 33f; 10, 54; 11, 29–34; 12, 86f; 13, 2–6; 14, 55; 16, 31; 17, 29–43; 18, 46–49; 19, 75–79; 20, 79f; 21, 13, 25–40; 22, 25–39, 58, 86; 23, 41–49; 24, 30ff, 54–69, 78; 25, 15ff, 64–71, 88; 26, 35f, 39–48, 49f; 27, 15f, 65; 28, 15ff; 29, 13, 52f, 92; 30, 30–42, 61; 31, 45–58; 32, 5f, 23f, 65–68, 85f; 33, 6–9, 26–31; 34, 4f, 6–15, 35f, 38; 35, 10–21, 21–33, 82–88; 36, 6–15, 35; 37, 36–45; 38, 20–36, 45–48, 70f; 39, 62–71; 40, 110
- Celebrated Trials 8, 30–33; 9, 31ff; 10, 52f; 14, 44f; 23, 67; 34, 68, 74
- Celtic Bards, Chiefs and Kings 17, 17; 34, 73; 36, 55, 78f, 82; 38, 73
- The Dead of Balder 9, 15; 15, 74; 19, 37
- Faustus 11, 17, 50; 14, 23; 18, 13f; 19, 84–90; 20, 55–57; 25, 13, 23; 29, 63; 31, 81
- Harald Harfagr 22, 39–43; 23, 57–86; 35, 104; 37, 15
- Kong Christian 17, 56–79
- Lavengro 7, 31ff; 8, 31; 9, 19, 27–30, 35; 10, 22, 31–43, 69; 11, 7–12, 12–29; 12, 23–42; 13, 2, 16–21; 16, 30, 65, 71–74; 17, 10, 46; 18, 18–21, 37–45, 57, 82, 84, 92f; 19, 32f, 37–59; 21, 4–6, 12–16, 63–82, 82–95; 22, 13–24, 43–52, 57, 79; 23, 22–30, 30–41, 68, 91f; 25, 12–25, 76ff; 26, 28–39, 39–48, 48–52, 54–70; 27, 16f; 29, 13f, 34f, 58, 77, 98; 30, 57; 31, 24; 32, 5f, 20–32, 48–61; 33, 55; 34, 34, 39, 43, 62–95; 35, 34–41, 91ff; 36, 44f, 53, 90f, 99f; 37, 0, 11, 60–104; 38, 11–19, 47, 56, 61–64, 70–73; 39, 6, 22–37; 40, 4–18, 111
- The Life and Adventures of Joseph Sell 8, 29, 41; 14, 44f; 37, 47; 39, 19ff
- Life and Adventures of (…) Colonel Blood 8, 29–33; 14, 44f
- The Basque Luke 8, 32; 29, 19, 31; 32, 34; 36, 30, 34; 40, 65
- The Gypsy Luke 1, 11; 6, 34; 10, 20; 18, 66; 19, 59–69; 24, 59, 65; 25, 75; 28, 10; 29, 4, 19, 31, 67, 72; 30, 6, 32; 32, 32–48; 36, 17ff, 22–25, 29–35; 37, 29f; 38, 44f, 48, 50f; 39, 76; 40, 81
- The New Testament in Manchu 6, 34, 37; 8, 32; 29, 12, 72; 33, 25, 70–72
- The New Testament in Spanish 20, 18; 24, 58–65; 28, 19ff, 24–37; 29, 17–31; 30, 33f, 40; 31, 47; 32, 34, 37f; 33, 15; 34, 5; 36, 34; 38, 32f; 39, 60ff; 40, 44f, 58f, 61–77
- Romano Lavo-lil 4, 17; 18, 8; 22, 81; 29, 15; 37, 58; 38, 48, 63f
- Romantic Ballads 9, 14; 14, 23; 15, 44, 74f; 17, 57ff; 18, 76; 20, 60; 22, 44; 25, 37; 35, 103; 37, 25, 93f, 97; 38, 41f, 54
- The Romany Rye 8, 30f; 9, 34f; 10, 31–43; 11, 7–12, 12–29; 12, 23–42; 13, 21–28, 28–30; 14, 19–30; 17, 10, 22; 18, 18–21; 19, 89; 21, 3–21; 23, 68; 24, 39; 25, 12–25; 26, 28–39; 27, 17, 67f; 29, 14, 53–57; 30, 8–29; 31, 12–31, 66–69; 32, 5f, 7–19, 20–32; 34, 44, 77; 35, 88–104; 36, 54, 64, 72, 77; 37, 49; 38, 47, 58ff, 67f, 70; 39, 22–37, 44f, 50; 40, 41
- The Sleeping Bard 8, 31; 10, 2; 19, 90; 20, 86; 26, 4–10; 29, 62–65; 31, 81; 34, 44; 35, 88; 38, 47f, 51; 40, 9, 27
- Songs of Europe 28, 41; 37, 91
- Songs of Scandinavia 17, 58; 20, 60; 26, 55; 35, 88; 37, 26f, 29, 93, 100
- The Talisman 38, 36–41, 43f, 48
- Targum 9, 14; 20, 26, 58ff; 21, 92ff; 25, 55ff, 62; 28, 40; 29, 29, 32–51; 30, 43–55; 33, 53, 68; 34, 76f; 36, 54; 37, 93; 38, 42ff, 48
- Wild Wales 3, 11f; 5, 15–18; 6, 20–23, 25–27; 8, 6, 31; 9, 2, 20–24, 43; 10, 2–6, 15, 60–75; 14, 5, 47–49; 17, 43–56, 95f; 18, 22–24, 59–61; 20, 39–46; 21, 15, 49–51, 74f; 22, 35, 88–114; 23, 88, 99f; 24, 43–47; 26, 36, 74ff; 27, 17; 28, 60f, 63; 29, 5, 14f, 51f, 57–62, 71, 77; 31, 69f, 72ff, 76–97; 32, 5f, 21, 23; 33, 52; 34, 45, 46–98; 35, 30f, 42–55, 80; 36, 56f, 78f; 37, 4f, 17, 31f, 33ff, 46f, 54, 57f, 91f; 38, 48; 39, 15–18; 40, 18–31, 33, 78f
- Wilhelm Tell 12, 17; 19, 38f, 55f
- Works, ‘Definitive Edition’ 17, 46, 53f; 37, 95f; 38, 73
- Works, ‘Norwich Edition’ 38, 73
- Works, personal presentation copies 38, 41–49, 54
- Works, illustrations and illustrators 9, 43; 10, 15; 11, 0; 12, 48–50; 13, 6; 16, 90; 17, 43–56; 19, 81–84, 86f; 20, 39–46; 22, 39, 40–65, 113f; 23, 57–86; 30, 56f; 35, 62f, 104; 36, 94f; 37, 51, 55; 39, 55f
- Works in pirate editions 13, 4–6, 12; 27, 15, 17
- Works, techniques used 34, 72–82
- Works, translated into foreign language 9, 37–39; 10, 23; 12, 62f; 20, 62–65; 25, 72–76; 27, 15, 17; 34, 35f, 38f; 37, 36ff, 44f; 40, 82–86
- The Zincali 3, 12f; 10, 21ff, 39f; 12, 26; 14, 52ff; 15, 61; 20, 77, 90; 23, 77; 24, 62f; 25, 15, 44f, 72–76; 26, 48f; 27, 14f; 29, 13–15; 30, 31f; 31, 42–58, 62f; 32, 36, 70–72; 33, 52; 34, 71; 36, 6–28, 35, 41, 55; 38, 45–48
Borrow, John Thomas (brother) 3, 18–21; 13, 16; 14, 35; 15, 44; 17, 19, 89f; 19, 36; 21, 4, 70; 22, 43, 46, 59f, 99; 23, 39, 68; 25, 30ff; 26, 60; 33, 47; 34, 86ff; 37, 67, 75, 78; 39, 46–51
Borrow, John — descendants of 2, 18–23; 3, 18–21; 17, 89f
Borrow, Mary (wife, née Skepper) 1, 9; 2, 6; 4, 17–23; 5, 7–14; 8, 3, 41; 13, 3, 5f; 14, 37f; 15, 45–49; 16, 45–51, 56ff; 17, 11; 18, 78f, 82; 20, 80, 82; 21, 6, 11ff, 22f; 22, 52; 23, 84, 88f; 24, 58–69; 25, 70; 26, 61, 69; 27, 66; 28, 10, 15ff, 62; 29, 88–97; 35, 77–80, 101; 36, 73f, 76f, 77–86; 37, 52; 38, 43–47, 50, 59; 39, 110
Borrow, Thomas (father) 10, 29; 14, 64, 71; 16, 23; 21, 63–82; 17, 86–90; 19, 34; 20, 73f, 89; 21, 18f, 63–82; 22, 13f, 23; 23, 22; 25, 29, 35; 26, 6; 29, 102; 32, 49–61; 34, 83ff; 35, 96; 36, 97; 37, 38, 67, 71, 75f, 78; 38, 18f
Borrow, William (cousin) 17, 19
Borrow House, Norwich 2, 4, 8, 9; 3, 5; 5, 14f; 6, 5, 10f, 34f, 37; 7, 3; 8, 3, 46; 9, 44, 49; 10, 8, 11–13, 26–30; 15, 5; 16, 16; 18, 4; 20, 6; 21, 52; 25, 8f, 11f; 27, 5; 28, 39f; 29, 2; 30, 3, 56, 60; 31, 3; 32, 3, 72f, 75; 33, 2f, 47, 78; 35, 3, 78, 104

Borrow Trust see: George Borrow Trust

Boswell family 11, 8–12; 26, 16
Bounty mutiny 38, 57; 39, 44f
Bowring, Sir John 1, 16f; 7, 37ff; 9, 11–15, 36f; 10, 44; 13, 4; 14, 24; 16, 30f; 17, 7f, 23, 29, 58, 94; 19, 19; 20, 25, 58–61, 85; 25, 77f; 26, 62, 68; 28, 41, 45–49, 53; 29, 34–48; 30, 43–55; 32, 8–19, 44; 33, 39f; 34, 25–31; 35, 90–94; 37, 11, 26f, 93; 38, 41f, 45, 54, 67f; 40, 7f

Boxing see: Pugilism

Brackenbury, John 32, 39; 38, 50
Bradley, J. Frank 39, 51
Brain, ‘Big Ben’ 22, 13f, 19
Brandram, Rev. Andrew 14, 38f
Brenan, Gerald 28, 13, 14f
Brightwell, Lucy and Thomas 9, 24; 15, 41–54; 16, 56–57; 17, 14–16; 19, 14, 77; 20, 27, 72f, 85, 87; 22, 49, 60, 65; 23, 66, 87; 32, 68f; 35, 79, 94; 38, 44, 46
British Museum 17, 90–95; 26, 67; 35, 88ff; 37, 28f
British & Foreign Bible Society 5, 19–20; 6, 30–34; 10, 63; 11, 48; 13, 3, 13; 14, 38–41; 16, 56; 24, 57; 25, 79–110; 28, 19–21, 31; 29, 20, 71–73; 31, 4f, 49ff; 32, 35, 33, 9, 16; 38, 48; 40, 59
Brooke, Charlotte 34, 78, 82
Brougham 17, 16
Broughton, Sergeant John 22, 19–24; 23, 32–40, 93; 32, 58f
Brown, Thomas Edward 22, 68–74; 29, 83ff, 101, 104; 30, 16
Browne, Henry Albert 38, 44
Buchino (‘Buchini’), Antonio 24, 59, 63; 29, 18, 22; 30, 32f, 38f; 32, 37; 34, 11; 36, 30; 40, 60, 62, 65f, 75
Bumstead, George 37, 29f
Bunsen, C.C.J (later Baron) 13, 8
Burcham, Thomas Borrow 13, 4f; 18, 17; 19, 37; 20, 90; 26, 58
Burke, T. Murder at Elstree 7, 29
Burns, Robert 1, 13; 21, 90
Burton, Sir Richard (traveller) 40, 110
Bury St Edmunds 12, 42–48; 13, 35–37; 14, 46f, 100; 15, 63–65; 16, 69f; 17, 79–85; 18, 69–98; 20, 91f; 35, 94
Byron, Lord 15, 28; 16, 5; 22, 46; 27, 13f; 28, 45; 30, 67; 32, 29; 36, 43; 38, 11
Cabrera, Ramon 24, 87–94
Cadiz 32, 38f
Caedmon 20, 27, 32ff
Caia brook 36, 6, 14
Calderón 36, 52f
Carolan and Carolan’s Receipt 37, 96f
Campbell, Thomas 9, 11f; 37, 25
Candelas, Luis 31, 54
Canning, Sir Stratford 17, 94
Canterbury 39, 46ff
Carey, Reverend Richard 18, 29–37; 34, 85; 37, 72, 83ff
La Carlota 33, 27ff, 33
Carlyle 19, 55; 20, 22; 35, 36; 36, 51, 57
Carmen (Novel and Opera) 33, 52f
Cashel, Rock of 37, 64f, 108
Castellana bridge 18, 46–49; 35, 28, 32
Catchpole (Lavengro inn-keeper) 10, 31–43; 11, 12–29; 12, 29, 44; 15, 30, 38, 55; 23, 35–38; 24, 7–23; 30, 12–29; 31, 23f; 40, 8
Catchpole, Margaret 11, 12–29; 12, 26; 16, 68, 70; 30, 14f, 27f; 39, 35f
Cayley, George John 33, 33; 34, 35f
Ceiriog Valley 16, 2–15
Celtic countries (Scotland, Ireland, Wales, etc) 10, 70ff; 14, 67–71, 71–85; 16, 2–15; 34, 77f, 83–95
Cemmaes (Wales) 37, 4f
Cendrars, Blaise 34, 38
Cervantes, Miguel de 9, 75, 77–79; 10, 21; 15, 51; 19, 75–79; 22, 52; 25, 74; 26, 42, 47; 29, 13
Chaleco of Valdepeñas 32, 35
Chapman, Robert Cleaver 27, 49–54
Charles I 26, 79
Chester 29, 69ff; 34, 45, 47f, 56f, 106
Chesterton, G.K. 26, 37f; 27, 19
Child, Harold 36, 41, 44
China (see also Borrow and China above) 34, 15–25
Chirk Castle 15, 94; 16, 5, 12f; 23, 88; 24, 43–47
Churchill, Sir Winston 27, 63; 28, 61f; 40, 43f

Ciega de Manzanares, see: Diaz-Carralego, Francisca

Clare, John 15, 27–29

Clarendon, 4th Earl of: see: Villiers, Sir George

Clarke, Dr Adam 38, 52ff
Clarke, Henrietta 1, 8f; 2, 7; 5, 12f; 6, 24; 7, 5; 7, 5; 8, 36ff, 41; 14, 30; 15, 48; 16, 27, 48ff, 57ff; 18, 77, 83; 20, 86f; 21, 22; 22, 56f, 62, 83; 23, 20; 24, 59–68; 26, 84, 86; 27, 66; 28, 38; 29, 88; 35, 104; 36, 77; 37, 25; 38, 42–47, 51; 39, 109–112
Clarke, Henry 4, 17–23; 5, 7–14; 8, 3; 18, 19

Clarke, Mary see: Borrow, Mary

Clonmel 33, 2; 34, 85–92; 36, 2; 37, 47f, 53, 60–108
Coates, A.W. 38, 44f, 51
Cobbe, Frances Power 3, 13–16; 18, 62f; 22, 46, 48f; 40, 110
Cobbett, William 29, 102
Cobbold, Richard 11, 12–29
Cobeña 34, 4f; 35, 6f
Coke, Thomas William (‘Coke of Norfolk’) 26, 61; 29, 57–62; 32, 48, 58–60; 38, 74
Combe, Andrew 34, 31–34
Collinson, Robert 32, 72–76; 38, 42f
Conferences and meetings 1, 1–4, 7, 16f; 2, 1–4, 9; 4, 1–10, 11f; 5, 5ff; 6, 2–4; 8, 1–4; 11, 2f, 3–7; 12, 3f; 14, 5; 15, 7; 16, 16ff; 27, 7; 29, 0, 2–5, 16, 79–86; 30, 2f, 5ff; 32, 42; 33, 6ff, 47, 63–77; 34, 0, 2–6, 46–98; 35, 4–7, 72–110; 36, 2f; 37, 2f, 60–108; 39, 79–89, 113ff; 40, 46, 50–111
Cook, Samuel Edward (later: Widdrington) 31, 46–50
Cooke, Robert 13, 3; 16, 25, 29; 17, 25; 20, 86
Cooper, Mrs and Mr W 26, 59f
Cooper, William (GB’s nephew) 3, 18–21; 36, 102
Copyright of Borrow’s works 33, 61; 35, 4
Corcubión 12, 78–79; 20, 12f; 24, 101f
Córdoba 24, 57, 87–90; 25, 70–71; 36, 88
Cork 37, 67, 73–81
Cornwall 14, 61–99; 18, 20; 36, 97; 38, 47f
Coruña 30, 33f, 36ff; 40, 65
Council of Trent 33, 12f
Cousin, Maurice 34, 9f
Cowell, Edward 36, 51–58
Cowper, W. The Task 1, 15

Cowper Powys, John see: Powys

Cox, Robert 34, 31–34
Cregeen, Archie 22, 69f; 29, 84, 91
Cribb, Tom 23, 34; 24, 7–23, 36ff
Crimean War 19, 15–19; 21, 7f
Crofton Croker, Thomas 37, 95
Croker, John Wilson 21, 4f; 22, 63
Crome, John 22, 43, 46; 23, 66, 80
Cromwell, Oliver 17, 14; 18, 16; 24, 44; 26, 79; 29, 90; 31, 21; 35, 101; 37, 68
Cromwell, Thomas 17, 15
Croppies lie down 34, 86; 37, 62f, 96, 101ff
Crow Inn 10, 31–43; 15, 54–56
Cunningham, Allan 9, 14; 14, 23; 22, 58, 62; 23, 81; 28, 44; 37, 21; 38, 54; 39, 9, 26
Cunningham, Francis 11, 7; 14, 37–40; 18, 53; 22, 45f; 26, 61; 36, 76; 37, 21
Cunningham, John William 22, 46ff
Curzon, Robert 17, 93–95
Custine , Marquis de. La Russie en 1839 15, 58–61
Dante 9, 35
Darlow, Thomas 14, 40
Darwin, Charles 21, 4; 23, 86–87
Dauzats, Adrien 24, 57; 28, 7
Davies, Sir Alfred T. 38, 69
De Bohun 9, 27–30; 10, 52; 11, 45
Defoe, Daniel 1, 9; 13, 9; 15, 7–27; 26, 32–35; 28, 38; 29, 13; 32, 23f, 28; 34, 74; 36, 54; 39, 72
Denmark and Danes 3, 6–11; 15, 57, 72–75; 16, 24, 31; 19, 7; 23, 22–30; 26, 55; 34, 26–28; 35, 55–61
Dereham (East -) 23, 19f; 26, 56f; 30, 22, 60; 33, 53; 35, 104
Devil’s Bit 37, 60, 64
Devil’s Bridge 22, 88–99, 108
Dexter, Walter 5, 14f
Diaz-Carralego Rodero, Francisca 33, 34–44
Diaz, Maria 32, 38; 36, 30
Dickens, Charles. 13, 29f; 20, 72, 81, 92; 21, 88f; 23, 59; 25, 48f; 26, 38, 72; 32, 16; 33, 8; 34, 98ff; 36, 51, 66; 37, 9, 14f, 19, 24, 55; 38, 0, 61; 39, 81, 89–109
Dickson, John 36, 55
The Dingle (“Mumper’s Dingle”) 7, 16–26; 8, 16–28; 10, 31–43; 10, 50f; 11, 20–29, 42f; 12, 55; 13, 21–28; 14, 19–30; 22, 22; 23, 91f, 30–41; 24, 43; 30, 12–29; 33, 5; 35, 35, 37; 38, 11–19; 39, 34
Dixon family 20, 84f; 22, 69–72; 29, 84f, 95, 99
Doddrige, Philip 35, 15
Don Quijote 19, 75–79; 26, 42
Donne, William Bodham 9, 15f, 20; 12, 46; 15, 64; 18, 79, 84, 86–96; 20, 47; 23, 21, 68, 86; 29, 15; 36, 50ff; 40, 47
Doré, Gustave 19, 77–79
Dowsley, William Travelling Men 7, 29; 34, 92f; 37, 82–90
Doyle, Arthur Conan. Borrowed Scenes 7, 28f
Drake, Reverend William 19, 36
Dublin 37, 91
Dunwich 35, 71–77; 36, 66
Dutt, W.A. 30, 60; 35, 103
Ebsworth, Joseph Woodfall 21, 43–48
Edinburgh 1, 12–15; 10, 54f; 14, 32; 15, 67–72; 21, 68ff; 28, 49f; 34, 31f
Elwin, Whitwell 8, 40ff; 19, 30; 20, 83f; 21, 3–21; 22, 48, 52f, 60; 26, 62f, 68f; 30, 61f; 31, 66; 35, 66
English College Valladolid 40, 105–109
Espartero, Baldomero 19, 13; 24, 85ff
Esther Faa Blyth 18, 8; 21, 0, 62, 102
Estrange, Roger l’ 32, 10f, 16f
Eulenspiegel (Owlglass) 1, 9; 24, 25–36; 29, 65f; 32, 78; 33, 7; 34, 23; 40, 51
Evans, A.A. 13, 38–41
Evora 11, 29–34; 19, 75–76; 34, 12f; 37, 40ff, 51
Evora-Monte 37, 42
Ewald, Johannes 17, 56–79
Exeter Book 35, 88; 37, 28f
Eyck, Jan van 13, 16–21
Farrer, Ernest (composer) 30, 56; 36, 87
Feijoo, Father Benito 30, 35, 42
Fenn, Lady Ellenor and John 37, 52f
Ffestiniog 35, 42–55
Fielding, Henry 35, 10–15
Finisterre 12, 68; 15, 62f; 16, 31; 20, 8–20; 24, 55, 96–105
Finn, James 13, 3; 28, 12
Finn MacCoul (Finn-ma-Coul), Legend of 34, 77f; 37, 97ff
Firdausi 36, 55
Fitzgerald, Edward 10, 19, 24; 20, 84; 35, 74; 36, 46–62, 67f, 70f, 77; 40, 37
Fitzsimmons, Bob 23, 96–99
Flaming Tinman’ (Anselo Herne) 11, 8; 22, 22; 23, 30–41; 25, 52f; 33, 55
Flinter, Brigadier George Dawson 24, 90f, 95
Ford, Richard 2, 4f, 14–18; 11, 3–7; 12, 88, 13, 8, 10, 15; 14, 12; 20, 48, 71, 79, 91; 21, 14f; 24, 69–81, 101; 26, 41–48, 48–54; 27, 14ff, 24; 28, 18; 29, 74ff; 30, 70ff; 31, 45f, 54, 56f, 66–69; 32, 36, 40; 35, 89, 92, 101; 36, 29f; 37, 5–8, 29; 38, 35, 46; 40, 62f
Fortiguerra (or Fortiguerri), Niccolò 38, 58ff
Fox, Caroline 14, 37ff; 22, 45
Fox, George 22, 50
Fraser, Sir Angus McKay 16, 14; 21, 74; 22, 2, 82, 84; 23, 2–16, 102, 110; 24, 2–7; 25, 6; 27, 11f; 30, 2; 31, 3, 7f, 81; 32, 7; 38, 41–49
Fraser’s Magazine 27, 16, 24; 29, 3
Fray Gerundio 17, 32f, 41; 21, 25, 36; 30, 32, 36
Frederick VI, King of Denmark (1768-1839) 34, 26ff
Galicia 12, 65–88; 18, 46ff; 19, 75–79; 20, 8–20; 21, 25–40; 25, 64–71; 27, 51f, 61f; 28, 22–37; 29, 17–31; 30, 30–42; 37, 44f; 39, 63ff
Ganning, Captain Frederick 38, 42, 54–57; 39, 42ff
Garcia, José Manuel (Pontevedra notary) 12, 80; 16, 37
Garnet, Henry 26, 70; 40, 107
Gartland, James F. 40, 108f
Gauguin 17, 50
Gauthiers, Théophile 33, 37; 40, 44
Gayangos, Pascual de 32, 40; 36, 29f; 37, 29f; 38, 73
George Borrow Trust 33, 2f, 78, 34, 0, 104; 35, 3f, 71; 39, 3, 4
‘German Colonies’ in the Sierra Morena 33, 26–29
Gibraltar 32, 38
Gil Blas 34, 23
Gill, Rev. William 22, 71f; 37, 91
Girdlestone, R.B. 32, 41, 44
Gissing, George 37, 10
Ghosts of the Broads 9, 35–36; 10, 53–54; 11, 45–46
Gladstone, W.E. 9, 33–34; 16, 29f; 17, 25; 18, 26; 19, 11, 26; 34, 47; 35, 91
Glen Dhoo 29, 86–88, 95
Glendower, Owen 16, 10f; 20, 42; 34, 56, 58f; 36, 79
Glorious John 36, 40–46
Glyn Ceiriog 38, 69
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang 19, 41, 43–47, 84–86; 21, 16; 34, 78
Goff family 39, 110
Gogh, Vincent van 17, 50, 55
Gómez y Damas, General Miguel Sancho 24, 81–96; 25, 71f
Granada 24, 55, 66; 31, 51f; 32, 70, 72
Grant, Jerry 34, 88ff
Graydon, Lieutenant 16, 56; 28, 18f; 29, 20f, 27f
Great Exhibition (London 1851) 39, 88
The Great Liverpool 12, 53–54; 13, 30–32; 14, 46; 15, 62–63; 16, 78ff, 88; 20, 17, 19f; 24, 55, 96–105
Greaves, John (or William) 22, 93–112; 35, 42–55
Grech, Nikolai Ivanovich 6, 17; 14, 97; 15, 58–62; 16, 77; 34, 7
Greene, Herbert W. 32, 72f
Greenwich Fair 39, 86–109, 122
Grundtvig, N.F.S. 20, 25f; 34, 30; 35, 89

Guardia Valona, see: Walloon Guard

Gully, John 15, 33
Gunn, John 20, 79
Gurney family 13, 9; 14, 17, 39f; 16, 24f; 18, 17; 20, 20; 21, 16; 22, 43–65; 23, 66, 73f, 81; 31, 69; 32, 44; 35, 101; 37, 17, 21, 26f; 38, 49
Gypsies 3, 12f; 8, 38f; 9, 19; 10, 4, 21, 68ff; 11, 7–12, 46; 12, 55, 59f; 13, 39f; 14, 39f, 49f, 55f; 15, 28, 61; 16, 65f; 18, 79, 92; 19, 20, 81–84; 21, 45ff; 22, 46, 49–65, 81f; 23, 57–86, 90, 92–99; 24, 55ff, 64; 25, 38–54, 72–76; 26, 13–28, 30; 27, 25–43; 30, 6, 17f, 22, 31f, 68ff; 31, 24ff, 42–45, 48f, 58–64; 32, 35f; 33, 6, 33, 52f, 55, 73–76; 34, 32, 55f, 76ff; 35, 66f; 36, 6–15, 15–28, 35–40, 89–94; 37, 9–24, 38; 38, 33f, 62f, 76ff; 39, 18f, 22–37, 72ff, 88; 40, 41, 89–105
Hafod 22, 93–112
Haggart, David 35, 104
Hake, Dr Thomas Gordon and George Gordon 12, 46; 15, 63f, 66; 17, 81, 86; 18, 65, 77–86, 92ff; 19, 81f; 20, 80f; 21, 18, 22; 22, 50f, 53ff, 62, 64; 23, 57–86; 27, 24; 31, 67; 35, 94; 36, 46; 38, 3; 39, 84
Hales, Robert (the Norfolk giant) 6, 19f; 16, 68; 23, 71; 26, 55; 38, 74
Hamaxobii 31, 42–45
Harford family 13, 10
Harris, George 36, 86f
Hartrick, A.S. 17, 43–56; 20, 39–46; 22, 56
Harvey family 15, 35ff, 64; 16, 59, 70; 18, 70–76, 77; 21, 24; 22, 48
Hasfeld(t), John 6, 12–18; 13, 2; 14, 96–99; 15, 47, 57f, 61, 73; 16, 74–78; 17, 72; 20, 84; 24, 25–36, 43–47, 55, 62, 68; 25, 54–64; 28, 9; 29, 15, 35, 45, 66; 33, 77; 34, 15, 19, 21, 22; 35, 89, 92f; 36, 46f, 77; 38, 37, 42f; 40, 64f, 76
Hawkes (Norwich alderman) 21, 4, 16
Haydon, Benjamin Robert 13, 16; 21, 4; 22, 46, 60; 23, 68; 24, 30; 25, 26; 29, 60
Heber, Bishop Reginald 36, 86
Hemingway, Ernest 26, 36
Henry VIII 17, 18
Herne family 11, 8ff; 26, 13–28; 27, 27ff, 31, 41; 34, 76ff; 39, 30, 37
Heron Allen, Edward 32, 72–75
Hervey, Lord William and other Herveys 17, 79–85; 18, 79; 21, 18, 22; 27, 42
Highland Society 35, 88; 37, 27f
Hindes Groome, Francis 14, 49f; 16, 64f; 18, 65; 22, 54ff; 23, 63, 68; 31, 22f; 32, 31
Hirn, Yrjö 29, 32–51
Holkham 26, 61, 68; 29, 56–62; 32, 60
Holycross Abbey 37, 66f
Holyhead 18, 59f; 37, 91
Homer 15, 7f; 36, 43
Hooper, James 8, 40ff; 15, 41; 19, 30; 20, 87; 21, 3f, 15–19, 21–24; 30, 56, 59–63; 35, 98
Hopkins, F.C., R.T. 12, 42–48; 15, 65; 16, 70; 26, 63f, 67; 27, 13
Hopping Ned (and Biting Giles) 16, 52–54; 21, 52
Horace 32, 71f; 34, 76ff, 86
Horncastle fair 10, 40–41; 12, 23–42; 14, 19–30; 18, 20; 21, 52; 26, 20; 30, 8–29; 31, 12–31; 35, 92f, 95, 101; 39, 23ff; 40, 4, 8
Horse Whisperer 14, 10–12; 28, 6ff; 37, 95
Howe, W.T.H. 32, 41, 45
Howitt family 23, 66, 80; 40, 33
Hoyland, John 39, 19
Hubbell, Lindley Williams 29, 6–17
Huddersfield 21, 74, 86–95
Hudson, W.H. 4, 12; 8, 33–35; 27, 36
Hughes, Jonathan 29, 51f; 30, 58f
Hume, Joseph 32, 18
Hunter, George 33, 72
Hunter, Joseph 10, 44–47; 11, 10–12
Huntington, Arthur Milton 6, 15; 39, 57f
Hythe (Kent) and Hythe Skulls 3, 6–11; 9, 27–30; 23, 23–30; 26, 55
Icolmkill (Iona) 39, 52ff
Ireland 10, 72f; 16, 45–51, 62; 17, 12; 18, 12–29, 29–37; 20, 51ff; 27, 67; 28, 8; 34, 75; 35, 4f, 79, 90; 36, 2f; 37, 49f, 53, 60–108
Irish College, Salamanca 40, 53, 56f, 66, 86, 108f
Irving, Washington 2, 4–5; 24, 70, 76; 26, 52; 28, 18, 42; 33, 23; 34, 9, 14
Isle of Man 16, 48f; 17, 13, 19; 18, 21, 24; 20, 84; 21, 73f; 22, 68–74; 25, 77f; 27, 8, 98; 29, 79–104; 31, 5; 35, 78; 36, 82; 39, 51f
Italica 24, 52, 56, 62; 28, 18
Japan 29, 6–10, 15f
Jaraicejo 36, 4
Jay, Elizabeth 20, 87; 21, 17f, 21–24; 35, 98
Jay, George 35, 93
Jessopp, Augustus 6, 24; 13, 16; 16, 67f; 21, 16; 22, 53, 62; 23, 76
Jenkins, Herbert 16, 66f; 17, 94; 29, 15; 30, 17; 31, 23
Johnes, Thomas 22, 102–106
Johnson, Goddard 20, 79; 26, 56
Johnson, Doctor Samuel 21, 5; 34, 69
Jones, John 34, 48
Jowett, Joseph 13, 3
Joyce, James 14, 50–52; 34, 77
Kalevala 21, 91–94; 24, 28; 29, 33ff, 44f; 34, 75
Kantelen syntu 30, 43–55
Kennedy, James and Patrick 34, 87f; 37, 94f
Kenyon, John 13, 7
Kerrison family 6, 24; 9, 13; 18, 76; 16, 24; 18, 76; 25, 25–37; 27, 69–71
Ket the Tanner 16, 68
Keysler, J.G. 9, 34–35
Khayyam, Omar 36, 47, 55–59, 77
‘Kilkenny ladies’ 20, 51ff
Klaproth, Heinrich Julius 33, 25f, 32; 34, 7, 13, 20, 23f
Knapp, William Ireland. 1, 8f; 2, 7, 14–18; 5, 18f; 6, 12, 15, 24f; 7, 9; 8, 36ff, 41; 10, 29, 42; 12, 70–76; 13, 5, 13, 15; 14, 33–43, 47; 15, 36, 47; 17, 9, 87ff, 93ff; 18, 29, 52f, 58, 62, 75f, 78, 83; 19, 34, 49f, 85; 20, 60, 73f, 89f; 21, 4, 11, 15f, 19, 73f; 22, 28; 24, 34, 54, 56, 65; 25, 21, 27f, 36, 54–65; 26, 51, 58; 27, 18, 24; 28, 6, 8f; 29, 12, 66, 88, 92; 30, 10ff, 16f, 19ff, 23; 31, 15f, 17, 22ff, 28; 32, 40–43; 33, 41; 34, 77; 36, 78, 86; 37, 28, 76–80, 102; 38, 43; 39, 46f; 40, 34
Lafuente, Modesto 17, 32f, 41; 21, 25, 36; 30, 32, 36
Lakenham 26, 59f
Lamplighter (race-horse) 14, 13, 17–19; 15, 40; 18, 17; 19, 80f
Lanci 38, 51
Langley, S. Pierpont 6, 15
Larra, Mariano José de 33, 7
Latham, Robert Gordon 15, 66; 23, 84
Lavater 29, 77f
Lawrence, D.H. 15, 67; 26, 28–39; 38, 13, 17
Lazarillo de Tormes 29, 13; 40, 50f
Lees-Milne, James 32, 42
Leland, Charles Godfrey 25, 33f; 37, 20; 38, 76, 78; 40, 96
Leopold, King of Belgium 35, 89
Lesage, Alain René 24, 31f; 26, 31, 42; 29, 13
Levi, Mousha (Moses) 18, 57, 59; 19, 38f; 26, 58; 28, 38
Lhuyd, Edward 22, 106
Lib (Loeb), Judah 28, 11–13
Lipovtsev, Stepan 33, 25, 71f; 34, 23
Lisbon 28, 11f; 35, 10–21; 37, 39–42
Lister, Albert (Alberto Lista) 28, 19
Liszt, Franz 36, 35–40
Llangollen 3, 1–4; 4, 1–9; 16, 46; 17, 95f; 20, 51ff; 22, 35; 23, 88f; 29, 4f, 51f, 68; 30, 2f, 8, 58f; 31, 0, 11f, 76–106; 33, 5; 40, 18–31
Lockhart, John Gibson 22, 58, 62f; 26, 51; 30, 61; 35, 91f, 101; 37, 6
London Bridge in Borrow’s time 38, 60f; 39, 87
Longfellow, H. W. 15, 57, 74; 16, 5; 17, 57, 70–75; 20, 58, 60f; 23, 81
Lope de Vega 40, 33–40
Lorca, Frederico Garcia 37, 50
Luarca 7, 30f
Lubbock, Alan 32, 44
Lucas, Samuel 23, 59f
Lucas, E.V. 39, 51
Lugo 28, 24; 30, 33, 40; 38, 20–36, 82
Mace, Jem and Poley 22, 14; 23, 41, 92–99; 25, 40–54; 26, 18f, 23; 27, 27–34, 37–40, 43
Macfie, R.A.S. 38, 44

MacOubrey, Henrietta, see: Clarke, Henrietta

MacOubrey, Dr William 18, 19, 27, 29; 19, 25f; 38, 47
Madden, Sir Frederic 17, 90–95; 20, 78
Madox Ford, Ford 34, 36f
Madding, Thomas 9, 15, 19
Mágnus[s]en, Finn 17, 72f; 34, 26; 38, 42, 49
Manasseh, Rabbi 18, 58
Manby, George William 20, 75

Manchegan prophetess, see: Diaz-Carralego, Francisca

Mann, Ethel 36, 46
Manzanares 33, 34–44
Maragatos 40, 100
Marshland Shales (race-horse) 14, 13–17, 20, 27f; 25, 51
Martineau, Harriet 7, 9–16; 12, 12; 20, 47; 23, 60, 65, 75; 34, 36f; 35, 86; 38, 74
Massingham, H.J. 13, 32–35
Matthew Mattocks 27, 66; 29, 65
Maximilian, Emperor of Austria 34, 73
Mendizábal, Juan (Alvarez) 19, 69; 22, 85f
Menéndez Pelayo, Marcelino 34, 35
Meredith, George 18, 62, 64; 22, 53ff, 58, 62f; 23, 58, 60f, 76
Mérimée, Prosper 32, 40; 33, 52f; 36, 29, 35; 40, 97f
Metaxas, Andreas 36, 30f; 38, 50
Mezzofanti, Cardinal Giuseppe 29, 11; 34, 26
Miguelist movement Portugal 37, 39–42
Milman 13, 7
Milton family (Murray readers) 8, 30f; 21, 8, 10; 27, 15
Miravete pass 36, 4f
Mirabeau 34, 12
Missionary work in 19th century 5, 19–20; 12, 87–88; 19, 11; 25, 79–110; 27, 44–59; 30, 6, 31–38; 31, 45–58; 32, 19f; 33, 9–22, 48f, 59–61; 36, 39ff, 60ff
Mol, Benedict 12, 48ff, 69–82; 13, 37f; 17, 29–43; 21, 25–40; 22, 25–39; 23, 41–57; 26, 46; 27, 68f; 33, 29f; 39, 45
Mon, Alejandro 17, 33ff; 21, 25–40; 22, 36; 23, 43, 51f, 55
Montemor-o-Novo 37, 42
Moore, Sir John 39, 65
Morning Herald 14, 39
Morris, Huw 16, 7–10, 13; 39, 15–18
Morocco 35, 89
Mousehold Heath 5, 24ff; 8, 2; 23, 95f; 25, 40, 42; 26, 19; 32, 79f; 33, 55; 35, 57; 38, 74; 39, 2ff
Mucklestone 13, 28–30
Multan 40, 16

Mumpers Dingle: see: Dingle

Munnings, Sir Alfred 23, 59; 36, 94–97
Mürger, Henri 37, 9–24
Murray, Hallam 20, 39–46
Murray, John (I-IV), publishers 2, 14–18; 5, 10f; 8, 30f, 41; 9, 11–14, 18, 33f; 11, 5; 12, 53f; 13, 3–15; 14, 11ff, 55; 16, 22–29; 17, 12f, 22, 46–56; 18, 24, 83; 20, 39–46, 48; 20, 86; 21, 3–21; 22, 46, 52; 23, 12, 65; 25, 19; 26, 48–52, 62; 27, 14–18; 28, 10; 31, 66f; 34, 10, 32, 82; 35, 89–93, 101, 106; 36, 43f, 86; 37, 6ff, 25, 30f, 45; 38, 45ff
Murtagh 18, 19f, 32, 36; 31, 21f; 34, 77f, 86, 90, 92; 37, 49, 64, 67, 71ff, 83–90
Napier, Charles 37, 39
Napier, Lieut.-Colonel E. E. 24, 62; 26, 49f; 30, 67
Napoleon III 19, 7–31
Napoleon Bonaparte 10, 54–55; 14, 56; 23, 22–30; 26, 59
Narvaez 19, 13; 36, 30
Nash, Paul 35, 34–41
Nelson, Admiral Lord Horatio 16, 68; 19, 93; 20, 14–20; 26, 82; 27, 41; 32, 82ff

Newcastle, Duke of, see: Pelham, Henry

Ney, Marshal Michel 17, 17
Nichols, C.E. 30, 56f
Nodier, Charles 34, 9f, 14
Norfolk 6, 18–20; 9, 27f; 17, 26f; 26, 54–70; 29, 58ff; 30, 56f; 32, 82–87; 35, 55–61; 38, 74f; 40, 42f
Norman Cross 7, 31–33; 11, 10; 20, 73, 89; 21, 82f; 39, 75
Norwich (see also Borrow House) 2, 14; 5, 14–15; 6, 27–28; 8, 1–4, 7; 14, 23, 29; 17, 6f; 21, 68; 22, 43; 25, 25–37; 26, 54–70; 29, 63; 30, 56f, 59ff; 32, 68f, 79f; 33, 47f, 53, 55; 34, 4, 43; 35, 55–61; 37, 55, 92, 110; 38, 54; 39, 7f, 44f, 47, 74f; 40, 17
Norwich Central Library 2, 4–8; 22, 12; 25, 5; 29, 63; 30, 57; 37, 92
O’Connell, Daniel 14, 17; 18, 13–23, 31; 32, 15
O’Connor, Dermod 37, 94, 100f
Oehlenschlaeger, Adam 24, 28; 34, 26
Ofalia government 17, 33–35; 19, 60; 21, 25–40; 23, 42f, 48; 28, 27–29; 29, 24; 32, 33–35; 38, 50f
Olavide y Jauregui, Pablo 33, 26, 28f, 37; 36, 88
Oliver, Tom 24, 7; 26, 59, 64
Opie family 22, 46f, 60; 38, 75
Orange, William of 17, 14
O’Shea, Henry 38, 32; 40, 65f, 72
Ossian, Poems of 29, 90; 37, 98
Ossianic Society 37, 91
Oteiza Izuzquina, Dr José Vicente 8, 32; 40, 75
Oviedo 22, 32; 31, 47; 35, 87
Owen, Goronwy 31, 81–97; 36, 82f
Oulton 1, 8; 2, 7; 7, 4–7, 41; 8, 1–4; 9, 3, 16f, 24, 35f; 10, 12, 48, 53f; 11, 45f, 46ff; 12, 61f; 13, 9, 13; 15, 35ff, 45–51, 61, 66f; 16, 25, 47–51, 59–62; 18, 63, 78f, 82, 84; 20, 68, 77, 85, 87; 21, 21–24; 22, 48; 25, 4; 26, 15, 50f, 69; 27, 66; 33, 44–47; 35, 73–78, 89; 36, 72–77, 106; 39, 109f
Paine the Pirate 20, 53ff
Painter, Ned 6, 27ff; 24, 7; 26, 59, 64; 35, 66

Pakomovna see: Smith-Herne, Sanspirella

Palgrave family 9, 10–20; 14, 23; 17, 6; 20, 76, 86; 23, 80; 37, 25–30; 38, 49
Palmerston, Lord 17, 15, 22–25; 19, 10–14; 24, 57; 35, 89f
Paris 40, 16
Pearce, William 9, 11ff; 17, 6; 37, 25
Peel, Sir Robert 9, 33; 14, 32; 17, 12; 18, 15f; 30, 61; 34, 85; 35, 90
Pelham, Henry, Duke of Newcastle 22, 101f, 106–110
Penn, William 22, 50
Penquite 14, 88–89; 19, 21
Penrice, John 26, 51
Perry, Lieutenant James Edward (‘poor P-‘) 16, 22f; 19, 16, 28–30; 31, 90
Peto, Samuel Morton 7, 4, 7; 8, 9; 10, 47–50; 17, 24; 20, 72f, 87; 21, 22; 35, 98f; 36, 64–76; 37, 24, 51f; 38, 74

Petulengro, Jasper see: Smith, Ambrose

Phillips, Sir Richard 9, 13; 17, 6; 22, 48; 23, 67; 26, 45; 32, 81; 39, 6–22; 40, 16
Phillips, Henry Wyndham 11, 0; 13, 6, 8f, 12f, 14; 34, 32
Philo, James 35, 104
Pilgrim, John 21, 23; 26, 61, 63, 69; 35, 93
Pitiegua 26, 83f; 40, 55f, 89
Pitter, Ruth 4, 12–13
Plant, John 32, 37
Platitude, Reverend 8, 41; 21, 17, 19
Ponterwyd 1, 1–4; 5, 15–17; 6, 20–23, 25–27; 21, 49–51; 22, 93–112; 35, 42–55
Pontevedra 40, 76
Pope, Alexander 15, 8; 32, 11f
Portugal 11, 29–34; 19, 75–76; 22, 66ff; 35, 10–21; 37, 36–45
Potocki, Jean 33, 23–34; 34, 6–15
Pott, Dr. A.F. 36, 31
Powys, John Cowper 34, 49–62
Pozzi (Piozzi), Luigi 30, 37f
Priestley, Joseph 8, 14; 10, 50–51
Priestley, John Boynton 27, 18
Prohibition of Spanish Scripture (1838) 19, 60ff; 28, 18f, 27–32; 29, 17–31; 31, 47f, 49ff, 50; 32, 36f; 33, 9–22; 37, 52
Publications relating to Borrow 1, 15f; 4, 24; 6, 34f; 8, 44; 9, 42ff; 10, 15, 58f; 11, 49ff; 12, 62f; 13, 45f; 14, 54ff; 15, 75f; 16, 80; 18, 66; 19, 31ff, 90f; 20, 61–65; 21, 19, 52–55; 22, 83; 23, 100ff; 24, 47; 25, 78f; 27, 8ff; 28, 62ff; 29, 71–77; 30, 67–73; 32, 64f, 80f; 33, 51–61; 34, 36–44; 35, 62–70, 103; 36, 94–101; 37, 36–54; 38, 70–75; 39, 56–77; 40, 43–49
Pugilism 6, 27f; 9, 73f; 16, 52–54; 19, 73f; 20, 48–51; 22, 13–24, 56, 65, 77; 23, 30–41, 92–99; 24, 7–25; 24, 36–43; 25, 38–54; 26, 45, 58f; 27, 28–41; 30, 16; 31, 18f; 32, 58; 33, 55; 34, 43, 88; 36, 40f, 45; 38, 16; 39, 51f, 74
Pujol Macia, Pedro 38, 32f
Pushkin, Alexander S. 15, 60; 24, 28; 25, 54–64; 33, 23, 52, 66, 68; 34, 7, 13, 78f; 38, 36–41, 43; 39, 42
Quakers 22, 40–65; 23, 57–86
Quarterly Review 37, 6f
Rackham, T.H. 38, 43
Raglan, Lord 19, 18, 30
Ransome, Arthur 37, 12
Rasmus Rask 34, 26, 29
Ray, Doctor 26, 69; 27, 66
Reeves, Simms 15, 41f
Renier, F.G. 33, 54f
Rey Romero, Francisco 12, 75–81; 16, 32–45; 17, 30; 19, 62, 67f; 22, 26f, 35; 23, 48f; 25, 65, 69; 28, 22–37; 29, 23, 29; 30, 34, 40f; 34, 11; 37, 44
Rigby, Elizabeth 9, 18; 20, 76
Rhaeadr Falls 16, 11f, 84
Rhys ap Thomas 17, 17
Ricciardetto 38, 58ff
Richard III 17, 18
Rintsin 34, 21
Rivas, Duque de 40, 110
Roberts, David 34, 42
Robert, Samuel 38, 46
Robertson, the Rev. W. 31, 51f
Rochester 19, 88f
Rolf the Ganger 17, 15
Rome 9, 34f; 21, 94f
Roosevelt, Theodore 30, 63–67
Rossi, George 22, 56, 65, 83
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. 22, 51, 55, 64; 23, 57–86; 37, 15
Rous, W.R. (brother to Earl of Stradbroke) 35, 93
Russell Mitford, Mary 13, 7, 13, 15
Russia and St Petersburg 6, 12ff; 9, 43f; 11, 7; 14, 96–99; 15, 61f, 58–62; 19, 8, 15–20; 20, 84; 21, 7f, 13, 21; 28, 9, 62f; 29, 12, 35f; 33, 25f, 63–77; 34, 7f, 15–25, 44f; 36, 54f; 37, 38, 48; 38, 11, 36
Ruthin 34, 47f
Rutolle 30, 43
Sackville-West, Vita 14, 52ff
Sadi 36, 55
St Asaph 36, 83, 85f
St Cleer 14, 67f
St Deiniol’s 34, 46–98

St Petersburg, see: Russia

Saintsbury 32, 78
Sala, George Augustus 37, 9–24
Salamanca 38, 4ff, 75; 39, 66; 40, 46, 50–110, 114
Sam the Jew (“Dutch Sam”) 19, 71, 73f; 20, 50; 24, 38
Sampson, John 10, 4, 68–70; 14, 55; 29, 65; 31, 22f
Sandys, Frederick 22, 39–65, 83; 23, 57–86; 37, 15
San Lucar 32, 37f
Santiago de Compostela 12, 65–88, 94; 16, 32–45; 17, 29–44; 19, 59–69; 22, 25–39; 23, 41–57; 25, 64–71; 28, 22–32; 29, 17f
Saragossa 31, 58–64; 33, 54
Savage, Marmion Wilme 37, 48f
Schilling von Canstadt, Baron Paul 33, 25f, 32, 69, 71; 34, 7, 19
Schmidt, Isaac J. 33, 26; 34, 21
Scio translation of Scripture 12, 86; 28, 19–21, 25; 33, 11; 39, 60ff
Scotland 9, 30; 10, 71; 20, 92; 21, 68–97; 35, 43f
Scots College, Valladolid 40, 105–109
Scott, Sir Walter 9, 12, 27; 10, 52; 17, 18; 21, 59–63; 24, 30; 25, 15; 26, 77ff; 31, 16; 32, 12f; 34, 31–34; 35, 91; 36, 41–44, 48; 37, 10f, 27
Sebald, W.G. 36, 63–71, 101
Sebastopol campaign 31, 90
Seville 2, 7; 16, 57f; 24, 49–81, 83f, 89f; 28, 3–10, 17f; 32, 37–40, 44; 33, 54; 34, 35f
Seville imprisonment 24, 65, 69; 32, 39
Shakespeare 19, 56; 22, 52
Shelton, Tom 24, 7–26, 36
Shorter, Clement 1, 10; 5, 13, 18; 12, 54f; 13, 5f, 13, 15; 14, 33f, 43; 16, 45, 57, 66; 18, 27; 19, 86; 20, 81; 21, 6; 23, 20, 64, 77; 24, 67; 26, 69; 30, 24, 59–63; 33, 61; 34, 36; 35, 4, 77, 104; 36, 78; 37, 79; 38, 45f
Shrewsbury 36, 77–86; 37, 32
Sidi Habismilk 7, 6; 15, 35–37; 18, 15; 24, 66, 69; 35, 90
Simson 40, 98
Simpson and Rackham (solicitors) 9, 11f; 18, 76; 19, 36; 20, 76; 21, 16; 25, 26; 26, 58f; 37, 25, 55, 110; 38, 43
Sinclair, Catherine 16, 55f
Sitwell, Francis 32, 40, 44; 38, 50
Skepper, Breame 17, 11
Smiles, Samuel 2, 14–18
Smith, Ambrose (Jasper Petulengro) 11, 8–12; 13, 39; 22, 16f, 22f; 23, 89f; 25, 38–54; 26, 13–28; 27, 26ff, 39, 43; 30, 10ff, 15; 32, 79f; 33, 55; 37, 54f; 38, 57; 39, 22–37
Smith, Eleanor, Caravan 7, 29f; 38, 62ff
Smith, Faden John 11, 8f; 23, 96; 25, 38–54; 26, 13–27; 27, 39
Smith, Hubert 38, 45
Smith-Herne, Sanspirella (Pakomovna) 11, 8; 26, 13–27; 27, 28
Somerleyton Hall 36, 64ff, 76
Southern, Henry 40, 66, 72
South Sea Islanders 32, 69, 72f; 33, 48f
Southey, Robert 12, 8–17; 23, 26; 28, 42–45; 34, 41; 35, 60
Southwold 33, 2; 34, 2f; 35, 72–110; 36, 63–71; 38, 74
Spain 6, 2ff; 7, 30f; 8, 42f; 10, 51f; 11, 43f; 12, 87; 14, 39; 19, 8–13; 22, 66ff; 24, 49–105; 25, 79–110; 26, 39–48; 27, 44–59; 29, 17–31; 30, 5ff, 30–42; 31, 5, 45–58, 58–64; 32, 19f, 32–41; 33, 6ff, 57–61; 34, 40–43; 36, 87ff; 37, 52; 38, 65ff; 39, 60ff; 40, 50–111
Spring, Tom (‘Tom of Bedford’) 22, 13f, 23; 24, 7–23
Starkie, Walter 40, 89–105
Stein, Gertrude 29, 7f, 10
Stephen, Leslie 3, 13–16; 18, 62–64; 22, 48f, 61, 63; 23, 67
Sterling, William 31, 67; 37, 29f
Sterne, Laurence 21, 8
Stockport 21, 74; 22, 76
Stradbroke, John Edward C. Rous, Earl of 31, 22, 26ff; 35, 92–100; 39, 37
Strickland, Agnes 36, 46; 38, 74
Suir, The River 20, 51–53
Sullivan, E.J. 17, 45–51; 22, 40ff
Swan Inn 30, 19f
Swansea 37, 53
Swift, Jonathan 38, 17
Swinburne, Algernon Charles. 22, 56; 23, 57–86; 25, 48; 32, 78; 34, 2f, 68f; 36, 66; 37, 15f; 38, 3; 40, 32
Syntax (racehorse) 15, 30–35
Tangier 24, 63f; 28, 11; 32, 38f, 80
Tarifa 31, 52–54
Tawno Chikno 11, 9; 23, 41; 25, 38–54; 26, 16
Taylor, Ann 38, 47f
Taylor, John 38, 54
Taylor, Tom 22, 51–55; 23, 59
Taylor, William 7, 8–16; 8, 10–15; 9, 4–10, 20; 10, 44; 11, 39–42; 12, 3–22; 15, 44; 16, 24; 19, 31ff, 34–59, 87, 89; 20, 20–39, 47f, 55ff; 21, 16, 40ff; 22, 45, 65–68; 23, 65; 25, 27; 26, 58; 27, 63f; 28, 38, 40, 43–46; 29, 40; 34, 9, 14, 36f; 35, 55–61; 37, 50; 39, 6ff, 11, 19
Taylor Walwein, Baron Isidore 24, 56f; 28, 3–10; 34, 14, 42, 45; 37, 95
Templemore 34, 86f, 89, 94; 36, 2; 37, 61–65, 107
Tennyson, Alfred Lord 36, 51
Thackeray, William Makepeace 17, 81f; 18, 79ff, 85; 21, 18, 21; 36, 48ff; 37, 11f, 18
Thelwall, John 17, 6
Thieblin, Nicholas Leon 31, 55ff
Thomas, Edward 5, 21; 18, 23; 37, 21
Thomson, James (BV) 21, 42f
Thompson, T.W. 25, 38–53; 27, 27–30
The Three Expectants 37, 96f
Thurtell, John and George 16, 53f; 22, 13, 15, 24; 24, 8, 24; 25, 52; 26, 59ff, 67f; 31, 17f; 35, 98; 38, 72
Timkovski, George (Yegor) 34, 17–20, 23
Tinkler, Robert 39, 44f
Tipperary 34, 93–92; 36, 2; 37, 73f, 78
Toban, Father 18, 22f
Toledo 17, 11; 29, 20, 27, 31; 35, 84

‘Tom of Bedford’ see: Spring, Tom

Tom of Hopton 23, 35f, 38, 41; 24, 7–23
Townshend, Charles “Turnip” Viscount of 32, 48
Townshend, George 1st Marquis of 32, 48–61
Traba, Antonio da 20, 8–20; 22, 74f; 24, 101, 104; 31, 71
Trafalgar, battle of 20, 14–20, 22, 74–75; 32, 82f
Tregaron 37, 33ff
Trevelyan, G.M. 32, 68
Travel writing 9, 37ff; 10, 15, 73ff; 14, 63f; 20, 43, 46; 39, 62–71; 40, 44
Trefusis, Violet 14, 52ff
Trelawney, Edward John 13, 32–35
Trübner 1, 8; 2, 10

Trust, George Borrow – see: George Borrow Trust

Turner, Dawson 6, 17; 9, 10–14; 10, 18; 12, 70; 13, 9, 12; 15, 43; 20, 75–83, 90f; 22, 58, 60; 23, 14, 66; 26, 51, 56, 62; 27, 63ff; 28, 10; 35, 92; 37, 25; 38, 46
Twm o’r Nant (Thomas Edwards) 2, 10f; 28, 41, 51, 60
Unamuno, Miguel de 38, 5; 40, 46, 51f, 54, 78–89, 92
Uncle Tom’s Cabin 19, 21–24
Upcher, Revd Arthur W. 13, 9; 14, 17, 19; 18, 17, 44; 22, 50, 62; 26, 64
Urquhart, David 31, 52–54
Usoz y Rio, Luis & Santiago 8, 32; 12, 83–88; 13, 45; 19, 9, 62, 68; 25, 75; 29, 19, 26; 32, 35, 42; 33, 9; 36, 16, 23ff, 32, 97; 38, 50, 51; 40, 64, 71
Valladolid 35, 87; 40, 55ff, 105–109
Vaudois 17, 16, 28
Vaughan Williams, Ralph 36, 40–46, 94; 37, 30
Vechten, Carl van 29, 10
Vendas Novas 37, 39, 42
Venta Quemada 33, 27, 33
Vidocq 28, 10; 32, 40
Vigo 25, 68, 70; 27, 51, 61f
Villiers, Sir George (Lord Clarendon) 13, 10; 17, 23, 25, 29; 28, 27ff; 31, 31; 34, 42; 35, 89–93; 38, 43, 45; 40, 66, 72
Volney, Count C.F. 33, 24, 28; 34, 10–13, 37; 37, 41
Vondel, Joost van den 28, 41–49
Wales 1, 15f; 5, 15–18; 6, 20–27; 9, 20–24; 10, 60–75; 14, 47ff, 55; 16, 2–15, 16ff, 49; 17, 44; 18, 24, 59ff; 19, 15ff; 20, 51ff; 21, 8, 49ff; 22, 93–112, 112f; 23, 88f; 28, 60f; 29, 51f, 57–62; 30, 58f; 33, 55; 34, 45, 46–98; 35, 80; 36, 77–86, 103; 37, 33ff; 39, 71; 40, 18–31
Walker, John (ps. of Rowland Thirlmere) 31, 58–64
Wallis, Severn Teackle 31, 48–51
Walloon Guard (Guardia Valona) 12, 74f; 33, 26, 29f
Walpole, Hugh 39, 50
Washington, George 38, 14
Watt, Rev J. Gordon 14, 40
Watts, Thomas 31, 85, 88
Watts-Dunton, Theodore 14, 67; 15, 27; 16, 64–70; 18, 62, 65, 77, 83; 19, 81ff; 20, 80; 21, 48; 22, 55–57, 64; 23, 38, 57–86; 25, 48; 32, 78; 34, 2f, 68f, 101; 35, 73–77, 110; 36, 66; 37, 16; 38, 3; 39, 50f, 84–87; 40, 32, 110
Webber, William 1, 8
Webster, Rev Wentworth 14, 37–40
Wellington, Duke of 11, 5; 17, 10, 16f, 20, 27f; 18, 13f; 26, 59; 31, 27; 40, 54f, 107f
West Norfolk militia 11, 10; 20, 73f; 20, 89; 21, 63–82; 32, 50; 34, 84ff; 36, 2; 37, 61f, 65–81; 39, 46f
Wetherell, Nathan and John 24, 56; 28, 5–7, 17f; 34, 45
Whately family 13, 6f, 11, 12f
White Hart Tavern (Norwich) 6, 27–28

Whitefeather, Lord see: Stradbroke, Earl of

Whiteley, Rev. Edward 37, 38, 44
Whiter, Walter 9, 15, 19

Widdrington see: Cook, S.E.

Wilde, Oscar 32, 78
Wilkin, Simon 15, 44
Williams, Peter 1, 9; 2, 11f; 11, 12; 34, 66; 39, 24ff, 32; 40, 4–18
Wilson, James M. 29, 97–104
Wiltshire 16, 71–74
Windham family 27, 41–42
Wise, T.J. 22, 39; 23, 77; 32, 43f; 35, 101, 104; 38, 41–48
Wood family 10, 68–70
Woodfall 13, 10; 17, 93
Woodforde, Parson 37, 53
Woolf, Virginia 4, 13–17; 34, 37; 35, 82
Wordsworth 29, 81; 32, 21, 29; 34, 41
Worship family 9, 10–20; 10, 51f; 11, 43–44; 18, 91; 20, 76f; 26, 62; 38, 44
Worthington family 27, 66f
Wright, Aldis 36, 58
Wright, H.G. 35, 57; 38, 73
Wylie, the Rev. J.A. 31, 54f
Wyn, Ellis 40, 9, 27
Wynn, Sir Watkin Williams 40, 19
Yarmouth 16, 45–51; 20, 53–55, 67–94; 21, 8, 23f, 86; 23, 88; 26, 58, 62; 27, 6; 29, 88; 35, 77–80, 104; 37, 91
Young Irelanders 37, 48f, 87
Zhukovsky 38, 43, 48